It still is a tribal feud. One side of the family could not stomach the fact
that their suitor of the girl was snubbed and somebody else was chosen to be
the bridegroom.
It is a well known fact that blood feuds as well as honor killings are de
rigeur amongst Kurds.
Tra-di-tioooon, TRA-di-tion! as the song goes in "Fiddler on the Roof".
And you are not going to succeed in distorting facts by resorting to lies
and misinformation. You know very well that it is the Kurds who are the
traditional Islamists in Turkey. Though most have by now become part of
mainstream Turkish society and have risen to great heights in business, in
the professions, in politics as well as in the Turkish military. If a Kurd
can become the C-in-C of the Turkish Navy and then become the President of
the Republic of Turkey, and thousands of others can rise in the ranks of
Turkish society, I can't accept that there is discrimination against Kurds.
The proportion of Kurdish MPs in the Turkish Parliament is higher than the
proportion of the population of Turkey of Kurdish ancestry.
If you are a 'proud' member of a terrorist group, as you have repeatedly
bragged about here, despite the elementary, secondary and tertiary free
education provided to you by the state, then all I can say that you are a
social misfit and you need to see a psychiatrist.
And stop threatening and killing school teachers.
"Ali Asker" <***> wrote in message news:fc7deb7d-1064-4b1d-86ba-***
Remember during the 1990s, your islamic turkish army killed 34 of
their own soldiers while the PKK was on cease-fire so that they could
justify their illigal fight against the Kurdish people.
Read this you turkish fucking ANIMAL,
Incident was not feudal, clearly and openly perpetrated by the islamic
turkish army to blame on the PKK, As soon as the incident almost all
the turkish media outlets blamed on the PKK untill they found it out
it was perpetrated by the islamic turkish army then they blamed on
feud. You know as well as I that islamic army of Turkey only good at
killing babies, children and pregdant woman. Remember Cyprus where
thousands of Greek Cyprians were berried alive by the islamic turkish
army most of them being children and woman.
'Amaçlari katliami PKK'ya yüklemekti'
Mardin'in Mazidagi ilçesindeki olayda yakinlarini kaybeden köylülerden
Osman Çelebi, saldiriyi ablasinin çocuklarinin gerçeklestirdigini,
amaçlarinin geride sahit birakmadan kendilerini tamamen ortadan
kaldirmak oldugunu savundu.
Içisleri Bakani Besir Atalay, Adalet Bakani Sadullah Ergin ile Tarim
ve Köyisleri Bakani Mehdi Eker'in köyü ziyaretinde bassagligi diledigi
köylülerden Osman Çelebi, (46) Bakan Atalay ile bir süre sohbet etti.
Çelebi, Bakan Atalay'in "Bu olayi nasil açikliyorsunuz, sorun neydi?"
sorusunu, söyle cevaplandirdi: "Sayin Bakanim, aramizda bir sorun
yoktu. Dünden beri herkes bu konunun pesinde. Ama buradaki herkes
biliyor ki aramizda en ufak bir husumet, darginlik yok. Bunlar öz
ablamin çocuklari. Onlarin amaci bizi tamamen silmek ve olayi
terör örgütüne mal etmekti. Ama Allah birakmadi. Yegenim olay yerinden
kaçmayi basardi. Ayrica baska yaralilar da var her sey açiga çikti."
Içisleri Bakani Atalay, Çelebi'ye geçmis olsun diyerek, sabir diledi.
Post by choroPost by Ali AskerTurkish newspapers reported today that according to eye witnesses
statements and the testonomy of one of the survivor Osman Celebi told
the Turkish interior minister that the islamic army of Turkey is
responsible for the massacre. Four heavily armed gunman with Turkish
commando uniforms attacked the Kurdish village wedding event and
killed 45 people whom where mostly being children and pregdant woman
which one of them being 9 mnths. >
Turkish PM without even knowing the incident blamed on family feud
which it was clearly stated by the Turkish media that THESE FAMILIES
Villagers have stated that even interior ministers remarks about
soldiers coming on time was lie quite contrary turkish army did not
arrive the village after 2 hours even though army base being 25min
away from the village.
"Mardin'in Mazidagi ilçesindeki olayda yakinlarini kaybeden köylülerden
Osman Çelebi, saldiriyi ablasinin çocuklarinin gerçeklestirdigini,
amaçlarinin geride sahit birakmadan kendilerini tamamen ortadan kaldirmak
oldugunu savundu."
This says that Osman Celebi, one of the villagers who lost those close to
him, testified that the attack was perpetrated by his elder sister's
children and that their aim was to eliminate them totally without leaving
any witnesses behind.
So Mr Asker, how does this support your claim that "Osman Celebi said from
moment after
Post by Ali Askerthe attack they knew it was done by the Turkish state to blame on the
Kurdish Freedom Fighters who have declared cease-fire untill June."
"For a decade or more, the two families, armed to the teeth, put on a show
of unity, going out together on operations against the PKK. When unhappiness
about Cemil Celebi's choice of a groom for his daughter relit old enmities,
one side had the ammunition to make a thorough job of their revenge."
It is evident from this quote from the irishtimes dot com that this was a
purely Kurdish tribal vendetta. Only an Aleey Cat of Ali Asker would lay the
blame on the Turkish state. They are your own people, Ass-Cur!
Stop blaming the Turkish state for Kurdish tribal vendettas. And stop
threatening and killing teachers sent to those reagions. Your terrorist
organization PKK would rather have people remain uneducated and ignorant, we
know. They are more pliable that way, aren't they?
And how on earth can you claim that, and I quote...
Post by Ali AskerTurkish PM without even knowing the incident blamed on family feud
which it was clearly stated by the Turkish media that THESE FAMILIES
You are a bloody effing liar, aren't you?
The whole massacre was perpetrated because one side of the family were
snubbed when the other side of the family rejected a groom from their side
for their daughter. And the result? Nearly 50 people dead. Typical Kurdish
tribalism! Yet, and yet, we have Kurdish people who have risen to be
ministers, prime ministers and top military commanders and even presidents
of the republic of Turkey. One president of Turkey had served earlier as the
C-in-C of the Turkish Navy. What a world we live in!!! The Kurds in the far
eastern regions of Turkey are still under the thumb of their chieftains and
Time to forget tribalism and move on...