Kurd 1 --- New Kurdish Satellite TV
(too old to reply)
Ali Asker
2008-12-31 05:25:49 UTC
New Kurdish Satellite TV Kurd 1

A new Kurdish language satellite Television Channel will soon be starting up
from Paris, France.

To meet the need for news, information, culture and entertainment of the
Kurdish population of Europe and the Near East.

To help the integration of over a million Kurds living in the countries of
the European Union and make them aware of Europe's democratic values.

To develop, through programmes and discussions, a culture of pluralism and
dialogue in the Kurdish population.

Kurd1's registered offices and principal means of production and
broadcasting are Paris-.based. It also has studios in Iraqi Kurdistan and
envisages working with independent production companies in Turkey and
several other European countries.

Kurd1 has the ambition of addressing the Kurdish population of the Near East
and of Europe as a whole, beyond the borders, the political and religious
divisions or the regional and local particularities.

As it means to be a vehicle for defending, promoting and spreading the
Kurdish language and Kurdish culture, it will target, as a priority, a
public that, hitherto has been the most disadvantaged: children, young
people and women, working people who are illiterate or have had little
schooling, layers of society deprived of access to culture and entertainment
in their own language.

To meet the needs for culture, knowledge and entertainment of as wide a
working class audience as possible, Kurd1 will offer rich and varied
programmes covering, in particular, cartoons, broadcasts on youth, health,
hygiene, sport, music, history and language courses.

Compared with existing channels, it innovates by offering fiction films,
series and serials, documentaries on wildlife, history, and current events,
dubbed and subtitled in the Kurdish language.

The channel will broadcast all its programmes in the Kurdish language. The
style of speech will be simple and popular, accessible to the widest number,
including an illiterate public.

The Kurd1 team, directed by Kendal Nezan, President of the Kurdish Institute
of Paris, includes, in addition to Kurds, European professionals (French,
British, Belgian, Italian).

Financed b private Kurdish capital, Kurd1 is supported by the principal
cultural organisations of the Kurdish diaspora and enjoys the support of
many intellectuals, artists and NGOs in Kurdistan.

The editorial and technical team will include about sixty journalists,
administrative and technical staff. It will, to a great extent, be based on
Paris where its offices and main studio will be located. Certain programmes
and broadcasts will be decentralised to Stockholm, Berlin and Cologne.

It will also have regular correspondents in the principal cities of Europe
as well as in the United States, in Russia, the Caucasus, Iran, Syria, and
the Lebanon, with offices in Iraqi Kurdistan (Irbil) and Turkey (Istanbul
and Diyarbekir).

President of Kurd1: Kendal Nezan
Technical Director: Jacky Degorre
Advisors: Michel Thoulouze
Nick Collinson
Patrick Hoste
Anna Toscano
Paul Herrades
Fabrice l'Hopitalier

Advertising and sponsoring - Television
Initially financed by private capital contributions from Kurds in Europe,
the Kurd1 channel expects to reach its financial break-even point towards
its fifth year of activity, thanks to advertising revenue and sponsoring.

As an independent channel addressing a substantial public (a large part of
the 40 million Kurds) Kurd1 should interest Western advertisers wishing to
make their products known to the Kurdish public as well as Kurdish firms
engaged in property development, transport and services. Moreover the
Departments concerned with integration of European countries wishing to
address messages to Kurdish immigrants, as well as national or international
institutions wishing to disseminate messages regarding hygiene, public
health and preventive measures, would also be potential advertisers on
Kurd1, which intends to tap the bulk of the Kurdish language advertising

Some productions on the channel (tourism, history, music) could also fairly
rapidly enjoy sponsorship.

Advertising and sponsoring - Web
Kurd1 will develop a web site that is both informative and entertaining,
putting its programmes on line. This site is likely to become the most
important Kurdish language site and receive a very great number of hits. The
high level of Kurd1's site hits will attract a growing volume of advertising
and sponsorship.

Other revenue sources
The Kurd1 Channel expects to generate revenue through on-line chats and
video. It also expects subsidies from the European Union and from countries
sheltering large Kurdish communities (France, Germany Sweden, etc.) to help
it develop and last.

TV KURD - Projet Kurd1

1, rue Michelet, 94200 Ivry sur Seine
Tél : +33 (0)1 46 58 61 61

Information : ***@kurd1.com
Tél : +33 (0)1 45 21 65 61

Administration :

5, rue de Castiglione, 75001 Paris
Tél : +33 (0)1 45 21 65 61
rick murphy
2008-12-31 21:33:04 UTC
Ali Asker is a PKK terrorist who rapes and murders innocent people in
Turkiye to destroy Democratic Republic of Turkiye and establish a
maxist, lennist and communist PKK dictatorship.
2008-12-31 21:42:23 UTC
Post by rick murphy
Ali Asker is a PKK terrorist who rapes and murders innocent people in
Turkiye to destroy Democratic Republic of Turkiye and establish a
maxist, lennist and communist PKK dictatorship.
turkey is even not democratic.
Mostafa kemal secularist tuekey does recognize any minority.
Ali Asker
2009-01-01 21:10:46 UTC
Post by p***@gmail.com
Post by rick murphy
Ali Asker is a PKK terrorist who rapes and murders innocent people in
Turkiye to destroy Democratic Republic of Turkiye and establish a
maxist, lennist and communist PKK dictatorship.
turkey is even not democratic.
Mostafa kemal secularist  tuekey  does recognize any minority.
This Camelist fascist turk living in a dream world thinking that
turkey is democratic state just because they have elections every four
years. Don't forget Saddam had elections too, even syria and Iran have
its elections too but this does not make these countries democratic.
If turkey was democratic then why the hell they are not in the EU and
constantly harrased by the EU for their terrible human right abuses
and their denail of minorities!

Turkey is in a fast track to become another Islamic Republic of Iran
(recent PM of Turkey is a heavily devoted extremist Islamic cleric
with having similar President who is confessed supporter of Al-Qaida
and the Hamas).
2009-01-01 22:10:27 UTC
Post by Ali Asker
Post by p***@gmail.com
Post by rick murphy
Ali Asker is a PKK terrorist who rapes and murders innocent people in
Turkiye to destroy Democratic Republic of Turkiye and establish a
maxist, lennist and communist PKK dictatorship.
turkey is even not democratic.
Mostafa kemal secularist  tuekey  does recognize any minority.
This Camelist fascist turk living in a dream world thinking that
turkey is democratic state just because they have elections every four
years. Don't forget Saddam had elections too, even syria and Iran have
its elections too but this does not make these countries democratic.
If turkey was democratic then why the hell they are not in the EU and
constantly harrased by the EU for their terrible human right abuses
and their denail of minorities!
Turkey is in a fast track to become another Islamic Republic of Iran
(recent PM of Turkey is a heavily devoted extremist Islamic cleric
with having similar President who is confessed supporter of Al-Qaida
and the Hamas).
however the Mustafa kemal did a mistake and threat the kurds very
hards but

to be democratic does not mean to give up a part of his country to
extermist PKK
, neither iran or Syria or turkey clainms to be a democracy

Iran,Syria,turkey countries with some tausend year history, none of
them will give one centimer of own territory to the drug smuggler and
criminal origanization.
they give more rights to minority, they open kurdish SAT TV
but they donot give their land up.

of course Ali asker is a known operson for me. he is eating every
shit of US and israeli.

the stupid crackhead , wrote 2003 that the PKK will be tool to toppel
the government im iran.

the iranian or turkey or Syrian will kill you all, and US7Israel do
not give a shit for
for unzivilisied nomads.

but you donot understand it.
Ali Asker
2009-01-06 02:41:13 UTC
Post by Ali Asker
Post by p***@gmail.com
Post by rick murphy
Ali Asker is a PKK terrorist who rapes and murders innocent people in
Turkiye to destroy Democratic Republic of Turkiye and establish a
maxist, lennist and communist PKK dictatorship.
turkey is even not democratic.
Mostafa kemal secularist  tuekey  does recognize any minority.
This Camelist fascist turk living in a dream world thinking that
turkey is democratic state just because they have elections every four
years. Don't forget Saddam had elections too, even syria and Iran have
its elections too but this does not make these countries democratic.
If turkey was democratic then why the hell they are not in the EU and
constantly harrased by the EU for their terrible human right abuses
and their denail of minorities!
Turkey is in a fast track to become another Islamic Republic of Iran
(recent PM of Turkey is a heavily devoted extremist Islamic cleric
with having similar President who is confessed supporter of Al-Qaida
and the Hamas).
however the Mustafa  kemal did a mistake and threat the kurds very
hards  but
to be democratic does not mean to give up a part of his country to
extermist  PKK
, neither iran or Syria or turkey  clainms to be a democracy
Iran,Syria,turkey countries with some tausend year  history, none of
them will give one centimer of own territory  to the drug smuggler and
criminal origanization.
I don't know what are you talking about but if mean the PKK then you
should think again because the party that you are talking aboout have
backing of the whole Kurds every where!
they give more rights to minority, they open kurdish SAT TV
 but they donot give their land up.
Saddam, said the same think but in the end he got hanged by the
Americans (his closest ally)
of course Ali asker is a  known operson for me. he is eating  every
shit of US and israeli.
It is true that, I respect and admire US and Israel's policies against
to their own citizens but I don't agree with their policies against
the other peope!
the stupid crackhead , wrote 2003 that the PKK will be tool to toppel
the government im iran.
Why did this made you upset? Are you a religious mollah supporter or
the iranian or turkey or Syrian will  kill you all, and US7Israel do
not give a shit for
for unzivilisied nomads.
Uncivilized nomads are people like you in Iran who got law in their
side to hang and stone people in the public places. You fucken
barbarian piece of shit, tell me what happens to a woman who reveal a
single bunch of their hair in the public in Iran?
but you donot understand it.
I understand you very well, you fucken mollah supporting, religious
fascist piece of persian piece of SHIT....
2009-01-06 13:17:00 UTC
Post by Ali Asker
Post by Ali Asker
Post by p***@gmail.com
Post by rick murphy
Ali Asker is a PKK terrorist who rapes and murders innocent people in
Turkiye to destroy Democratic Republic of Turkiye and establish a
maxist, lennist and communist PKK dictatorship.
turkey is even not democratic.
Mostafa kemal secularist  tuekey  does recognize any minority.
This Camelist fascist turk living in a dream world thinking that
turkey is democratic state just because they have elections every four
years. Don't forget Saddam had elections too, even syria and Iran have
its elections too but this does not make these countries democratic.
If turkey was democratic then why the hell they are not in the EU and
constantly harrased by the EU for their terrible human right abuses
and their denail of minorities!
Turkey is in a fast track to become another Islamic Republic of Iran
(recent PM of Turkey is a heavily devoted extremist Islamic cleric
with having similar President who is confessed supporter of Al-Qaida
and the Hamas).
however the Mustafa  kemal did a mistake and threat the kurds very
hards  but
to be democratic does not mean to give up a part of his country to
extermist  PKK
, neither iran or Syria or turkey  clainms to be a democracy
Iran,Syria,turkey countries with some tausend year  history, none of
them will give one centimer of own territory  to the drug smuggler and
criminal origanization.
I don't know what are you talking about but if mean the PKK then you
should think again because the party that you are talking aboout have
backing of the whole Kurds every where!
they give more rights to minority, they open kurdish SAT TV
 but they donot give their land up.
Saddam, said the same think but in the end he got hanged by the
Americans (his closest ally)
of course Ali asker is a  known operson for me. he is eating  every
shit of US and israeli.
It is true that, I respect and admire US and Israel's policies against
to their own citizens but I don't agree with their policies against
the other peope!
the stupid crackhead , wrote 2003 that the PKK will be tool to toppel
the government im iran.
Why did this made you upset? Are you a religious mollah supporter or
the iranian or turkey or Syrian will  kill you all, and US7Israel do
not give a shit for
for unzivilisied nomads.
Uncivilized nomads are people like you in Iran who got law in their
side to hang and stone people in the public places. You fucken
barbarian piece of shit, tell me what happens to a woman who reveal a
single bunch of their hair in the public in Iran?
but you donot understand it.
I understand you very well, you fucken mollah supporting, religious
fascist piece of persian piece of SHIT....- Zitierten Text ausblenden -
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
As I know, the most of Capturwed or killed PKk/Pejak Member im iran
are not iranian citizien.
they are 70% turkish citizen and 30% Iraqi citizen.
the number of iranian kurds among pejak is very low.

therefore f.ck off to your own country.
The turks knows to treat the uncilizied nomads.
Ali Asker
2009-01-07 22:04:24 UTC
Post by p***@gmail.com
Post by Ali Asker
Post by Ali Asker
Post by p***@gmail.com
Post by rick murphy
Ali Asker is a PKK terrorist who rapes and murders innocent people in
Turkiye to destroy Democratic Republic of Turkiye and establish a
maxist, lennist and communist PKK dictatorship.
turkey is even not democratic.
Mostafa kemal secularist  tuekey  does recognize any minority.
This Camelist fascist turk living in a dream world thinking that
turkey is democratic state just because they have elections every four
years. Don't forget Saddam had elections too, even syria and Iran have
its elections too but this does not make these countries democratic.
If turkey was democratic then why the hell they are not in the EU and
constantly harrased by the EU for their terrible human right abuses
and their denail of minorities!
Turkey is in a fast track to become another Islamic Republic of Iran
(recent PM of Turkey is a heavily devoted extremist Islamic cleric
with having similar President who is confessed supporter of Al-Qaida
and the Hamas).
however the Mustafa  kemal did a mistake and threat the kurds very
hards  but
to be democratic does not mean to give up a part of his country to
extermist  PKK
, neither iran or Syria or turkey  clainms to be a democracy
Iran,Syria,turkey countries with some tausend year  history, none of
them will give one centimer of own territory  to the drug smuggler and
criminal origanization.
I don't know what are you talking about but if mean the PKK then you
should think again because the party that you are talking aboout have
backing of the whole Kurds every where!
they give more rights to minority, they open kurdish SAT TV
 but they donot give their land up.
Saddam, said the same think but in the end he got hanged by the
Americans (his closest ally)
of course Ali asker is a  known operson for me. he is eating  every
shit of US and israeli.
It is true that, I respect and admire US and Israel's policies against
to their own citizens but I don't agree with their policies against
the other peope!
the stupid crackhead , wrote 2003 that the PKK will be tool to toppel
the government im iran.
Why did this made you upset? Are you a religious mollah supporter or
the iranian or turkey or Syrian will  kill you all, and US7Israel do
not give a shit for
for unzivilisied nomads.
Uncivilized nomads are people like you in Iran who got law in their
side to hang and stone people in the public places. You fucken
barbarian piece of shit, tell me what happens to a woman who reveal a
single bunch of their hair in the public in Iran?
but you donot understand it.
I understand you very well, you fucken mollah supporting, religious
fascist piece of persian piece of SHIT....- Zitierten Text ausblenden -
- Zitierten Text anzeigen -
As I know, the most of Capturwed or killed PKk/Pejak Member im iran
are not iranian citizien.
they are 70% turkish citizen and 30%  Iraqi citizen.
you fucken understand this SON OF A PERSIAN PIECE OF SHIT...


Post by p***@gmail.com
the number of iranian kurds among pejak is very low.
Post by p***@gmail.com
therefore f.ck off to your own country.
Post by p***@gmail.com
The turks knows to treat the uncilizied nomads.


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