Ali Asker
2008-12-12 19:00:47 UTC
Turkish army backed ultra-neo neo nazi group TiB claimed
responsibility for the attack in Kerkuk where 55 people got killed.
Group announced in their web site that their organisation found strong
evidence to emerge Kerkuk to Kurdistan territories.
TiB warned possible use of chemicals against the Kurds if their
demands do not met. Same Turkish organisation claimed responsibility
when they attack the Ezidi Kurds in Kurdistan and again warned
possible chemical attacks against the Kurds at the time.
TiB is stand for Turkish Revenge Confederation who is active specialy
in turkey's Kurdistan region where responsible for thousands Kurdish
lives mainly children. According to TiB mentality that every single
Kurd born in Kurdistan is threat to Turkish motherland and their
unity. During the intense pick of the war era on 1990s TiB with the
speacial forces killed woman who were pregdant at the time. Their
famous (boy or girl) game known to many Kurds in the region which is
before killing the woman they open their worms and bid on the killed
babies sexes!
Turkish army's crimes in Kurdistan several times found guilty in
Turkish army backed ultra-neo neo nazi group TiB claimed
responsibility for the attack in Kerkuk where 55 people got killed.
Group announced in their web site that their organisation found strong
evidence to emerge Kerkuk to Kurdistan territories.
TiB warned possible use of chemicals against the Kurds if their
demands do not met. Same Turkish organisation claimed responsibility
when they attack the Ezidi Kurds in Kurdistan and again warned
possible chemical attacks against the Kurds at the time.
TiB is stand for Turkish Revenge Confederation who is active specialy
in turkey's Kurdistan region where responsible for thousands Kurdish
lives mainly children. According to TiB mentality that every single
Kurd born in Kurdistan is threat to Turkish motherland and their
unity. During the intense pick of the war era on 1990s TiB with the
speacial forces killed woman who were pregdant at the time. Their
famous (boy or girl) game known to many Kurds in the region which is
before killing the woman they open their worms and bid on the killed
babies sexes!
Turkish army's crimes in Kurdistan several times found guilty in