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2015-03-01 20:26:20 UTC
Sábado, 28 de Febrero, 2015 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)


Our heavenly Father invited Adam and Eve to eat with Him from the fruit, of the tree of life that is at the epicenter of Paradise, for this is His Son Jesus Christ as always serving the bread and wine over the Lord's Table, for holiness and pristine life to continue to exist throughout Creation. Lawfully, Adam and Eve were supposed to approach the Lord's Table to sit with our heavenly Father, so our Lord Jesus Christ will begin to serve the bread and wine that he has always served to the angels in heaven's glory, so they may always live to love, serve and glorify our heavenly Father's holy name in perfect holiness.

Instead, what Adam and Eve did was to sit with the old serpent from the Garden of Eden to eat from the fruit, of the tree of knowledge of good and evil that our heavenly Father had warned them that the day that they may eat from it, then they will die, because they will be born into the world of darkness. And because Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden fruit that our heavenly Father had warned that they should never eat from it, then they began to live in eternal darkness, because the Holy Spirit was no longer with them, and this was a terrible experience that they began to live since their eyes were opened to fear, daily-terror, and death.

Surely, Adam and Eve became terrified, because they knew that they were in trouble, since they began to experience terrible things within their hearts that frightened them to the point that they wanted to return to the spiritual estate that they were born initially from our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit, but it was too late, and thus extremely impossible. These are the days that not only Adam and Eve began to live the every day in deep darkness that though that they had minds but they failed to understand, they had ears and failed to hear, they had eyes and failed to see, and ultimately the children were born this way, as well, because the Holy Spirit was extremely grieved.

Moreover, because the Holy Spirit was offended since the day that Adam and Eve began to eat from the forbidden fruit that had caused them to be born from the world of light, into the world of darkness, then our heavenly Father needed to have Adam and Eve and the children to be reconciled with the Holy Spirit at the earliest. That is why, that our heavenly Father immediately after Adam and Eve had disobeyed by eating from the forbidden fruit, instead of the fruit of life that is His Son Jesus Christ always serving the bread and wine over the Lord's Table in heaven for the angels, then He had to get the children to sit with Him at His Table.

Then, it took few hundred years, perhaps, about four-hundred, for Adam and Eve to give birth to Cain and later to Abel; Cain became a farmer, who loved to toil the land and to make it produce its bountiful fruit, flowers and vegetables, while his brother Abel tended the livestock of the land causing them to multiply abundantly throughout the land. Both of them brought the best of the land to set up at the Lord's altar, since it was harvest time, Cain brought the best of the fruit, vegetables, adorned with abundant colorful flowers that he had cultivated in abundance, while Abel his brother brought the best of the young livestock for the atoning-blood sacrifice, for the first time on earth.

Our heavenly Father saw Abel's animal sacrifice atoning-blood shed to the ground at His altar that pleased Him very much, because it reminded His Son's atoning-blood, but with Cain's offering He was not that pleased--that caused Cain to become angry with his brother Abel's animal-sacrifice thus sinning not only against our heavenly Father but also grieving the Holy Spirit. That is to say, that the sin that Adam and Eve committed against our heavenly Father by failing to eat from the fruit of life that is the bread and wine that our Lord Jesus Christ serves daily in heaven's glory to the angelic hosts at Supper's Table, then Cain sinned again against our Father similarly, grieving considerably the Holy Spirit.

For Abel's blood shed to the ground by his brother Cain with great violence started to cry out to heaven for our Father and His Son Jesus Christ to forgive him for the sin that he had committed against Him, so he will not die to descend into hell's torment forever condemned, where Satan and his fallen angels rule with terror. Then, while Abel's blood shed to the ground was crying to our heavenly Father not to condemn his brother Cain for the terrible sin that he had committed against him and the Holy Spirit, at once, judgment and the sentence was passed by our heavenly Father against Cain and his lineage, so his sin will never prevail on earth much less in heaven.

That is why, that our heavenly Father felt obligated to judge not only Cain for his sin by banishing him from the land, for it will not longer give it produce in great abundance, but also to sentence him to become a fugitive to wander from place to place, for grieving the Holy Spirit, as he was initially grieved in paradise. (This is the judgment and sentence that every one will certainly receive, that is, if they sin against our heavenly Father and His Lamb with the atoning-blood shed since Creation day, and grieved the Holy Spirit, then they will be banished from heaven's glory to wander into eternity eternally confused for their sin against His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.)

Immediately, Cain said to our heavenly Father: The judgment and sentence that you have passed against me, certainly it is too heavy for me to bear: now, whenever people may see me then they will want to kill me, and there is nothing I can do to escape from your sentence, that banishes me from the land completely without returning again. However, our heavenly Father said to Cain: I will put a mark on your forehead, so whoever may see you then he will not kill you, because the one that kills you will receive seven times the judgment that I have passed against you for shedding violently your brother's blood to the ground.

(That is why, that Israel not only ceased to be nation for generations, since they failed to remain faithful to the contact that they had made not only with Moses at Jerusalem's holy hill resting over Mount Sinai to escape Egypt, but also at Jerusalem's holy hill within Canaan, so the Hebrews wander from place to place searching the salvation atoning-blood. Surely, following our heavenly Father had passed judgment and sentence against Cain, for the evil that he had committed not only against Abel but also against God and His Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin shed since Creation day, our Lord Jesus Christ, then Abel's blood continued to cry from the ground for his brother's forgiveness and eternal well-being.)

Unquestionably, because Abel's blood continued to cry to our heavenly Father for his brother Cain's forgiveness and eternal well-being, then He began to see how to start a new covenant of life with humankind on earth, since his first intent of a covenant with Adam and Eve failed, because they both ate from the forbidden fruit thus they became banished from paradise. Definitely, it was Abel's blood shed to the ground by his brother Cain that moved our heavenly Father's heart and that of His Son Jesus Christ to see the way to send the Holy Spirit to enter into every man, woman and child's life, so a new bloodline may start on earth with a better covenant of life that will never end.

Meanwhile, our heavenly Father was searching for the way to start a new covenant of life with everyone on earth, but He could not find one, except Noah, but still the entire earth was too wild and violent that He could not sit with anyone at the Lord's Table to eat the bread and wine from His Son Jesus Christ's wounded-hands. That is why, that our heavenly Father said: My Spirit will not continue to struggle with men, for they are flesh and I am Spirit--this is when He decided to destroy the world with the flood, so the wicked may die to be able to sit with reasonable men at the Lord's Table to eat the bread and wine of life.

Meaning that, although that our heavenly Father wanted to sit with men at the Lord's Table to eat the bread and wine from His Son Jesus Christ's hand thus to start a new bloodline with humankind, then He still could not do it, because the old world had to die, for the new one to start with His perfect-covenant of life. (Surely, that is why that our heavenly Father that after He had done everything that it was possible to liberate Israel from Egypt's captivity, then He was ready to kill Israel, because they sinned against His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood by fashioning a Golden Calf to worship it, when He was planning a new world without sin and rebellion.

That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father that all the wicked from the entire world may die in a worldwide flood by opening the fountains of water from heaven above and those from the earth bellow, so no one will survive in his sin, except Noah and his family, because he was righteous in His sight. However, though our heavenly Father destroyed the old world with a worldwide flood that rose above the highest mountains on earth thus causing the death of every living thing that had breath, then Abel's blood still continued to cry to Him from under the ground for the forgiveness of his brother Cain and well-being of his children to come.)

Furthermore, because of Abel's blood crying from the ground that our heavenly Father sent His Son Jesus Christ to become the King of Salem, Melchizedek, so he will be also His personal high priest before every man, woman and child, because He was ready to sit with Abram and his men at the Lord's Table to start a new bloodline with humankind. Our heavenly Father began to have an every day personal relationship with Abram that was so powerful in his life that he became more blessed than all the riches people that were known in those days, for he had accumulated abundant wealth, moreover he had many servants that were always working with and for him.

Without a shred of doubt, Abram was so rich and powerful that his enemies were always trying to steal from his wealth but they failed constantly, because he was well protected by the holy angels, however his nephew Lot fell at the hands of the enemy in a big battle that he lost everything he had, including his family. Unquestionably, once Abram heard that his nephew Lot had been taken away from his land by his enemies, then he took his 318 men from his household and went after them, because he knew that the Angel of the Lord was with him to retake his nephew with all his belongings and his loved ones, as well.

Surely, Abram recognized that he had become victorious over all his enemies and that he had retaken not only his nephew Lot with his loved-ones and all his wealth that he lost, but also that our Father in heaven was ready to given more than he could have lost. At once, as Abram returned from his great victory against the kings of the land that had come together to fight not only against him but also his family, so they may steal everything that he had, then the King of Salem, Melchizedek, came out to receive him with the Lord's Table set up for him and his men.

On this day, Abram gave one-tenth of his belongings to our Lord Jesus Christ, because he was not only our heavenly Father's high priest on earth but also he was widely known as God's Righteousness, and because Abram did this with His Son, then He wanted to start the new covenant of life with him. (Here you may see that if you bless His Son Jesus Christ whether because he is His high priest or His perfect Righteousness in heaven for the angels and on earth with all the families of the nations, then He is going to bless you back with powerful blessings; Abram blessed Jesus Christ, then he got blessed back instantly from heaven above.)

Thus, it pleased very much for our heavenly Father to sit with Abram and his allies at the Lord's Table to eat the bread and wine from His Son Jesus Christ, because the bread is his flesh and the wine is his blood, the new bloodline that needed to be established on earth with a covenant of life that will never end. At the Lord's Table, our heavenly Father ate with Abram and his allies the bread from heaven that is His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh to start a new human body with every man, woman and child, and He also drank from the wine that is His Son's atoning-blood to start the bloodline that will give life to this newly glorified body.

This is how our heavenly Father is finally doing away with the sinful flesh and ill blood of Adam and Eve to introduce the new Adam with his sacred-flesh that will dress every man, woman and child born again from the Holy Spirit thus also to take on the new bloodline giving eternal life to this new glorified human body, for eternity. Certainly, this is exactly what happened the day that our heavenly Father sat down with Abram and his allies to eat the bread and wine from His Son Jesus Christ's wounded hands, because He needed to start a new body with the perfect blood that pleases Him in all truth and justice forever into eternity.

Really, this is the beginning of the new man and woman that He wanted to have in His new angelic Kingdom on earth, because He will eventually create a new earth with glorious skies above, and in heaven's glory for all eternity to come, as the New Jerusalem from heaven above filled with love, life, richness, and everlasting happiness. Therefore, by our heavenly Father eating with Abram and his allies the bread and wine from His Son Jesus Christ's hands at the Lord's Table, then by faith, the new man with the perfect bloodline was ready to be born by the power of the Holy Spirit, through the womb of a woman that it was totally dead, forever.

That is to say, also that just because our heavenly Father had partaken from the bread and wine with Abram and his men at the Lord's Table, then the Holy Spirit had gained the right to enter into Abram's wife Sarah's barren-womb to fill it with the seed of the atoning-blood of life, so Isaac may be miraculously born everlastingly blessed. This was a very important covenant of life that our heavenly Father needed to start with Abram and his wife Sarah's barren-womb by the Holy Spirit's power, because the child that was to be born from her barren-womb, it will be a child free from the seed of sinful man--meaning that, it is here where sin began to die, forever.

For the reason that, once Isaac is born with the seed of the atoning-blood that will eventually be shed at Jerusalem's holy hill that is really our heavenly Father's door and House of God to heaven with the angels and on earth with Israel and the nations, then a new covenant of life could be established with humankind, forever. Given that, the child that will be born from Isaac, it will be a child carrying the new bloodline that pleases all truth and justice not only on earth for the King Messiah to be born timely from David's virgin daughter, but also it has the power to ascend upon Jerusalem's holy hill, the House of God, anytime for prayer and reconciliation.

Meaning that, once Jacob was born, then he became our heavenly Father's firstborn, because the seed of the atoning-blood is in him, so he will not only be always our Father's firstborn but also every one else born from him from the twelve tribes of Israel, because the seed of the atoning-blood running through their veins is the blood-covenant, forever. This is why, that our heavenly Father had to teach to Abram to believe that His firstborn will always be Isaac, because the seed of the atoning-blood is in him to be spread worldwide to all his brothers and sisters from the twelve tribes of Israel and to the nations that believe in the coming of the King Messiah for salvation.

Indeed, our heavenly Father had assured Abram that His covenant is with Isaac forever, and not with Ishmael, although he was born first, but without the seed of the atoning-blood covenant in Ishmael to bring salvation, blessing, peace and lasting happiness not only to Israel but to the families of the nations worldwide, then there is not covenant of life possible. Moreover, for these events to evolve then another four-hundred years had to have passed already, so our heavenly Father will not only descend from heaven above to sit with Abram and his people to eat the bread and wine that will usher the newly glorified-body upon earth for every man, woman and child, but also His bloodline to sustain life everlastingly.

Then, as the time was ready for Jacob to form his family, he began to look around for a wife, and his father Isaac said to him: You will not take for a wife from the women in the land that we are living, but, instead you will go to my relatives to Padan-aram where God will give you your wife. And so, Jacob started on his way to his father Isaac's hometown relatives to pick a wife from one of their daughters, because he did not only want to please his father Isaac and his mother, but also, because he was ready to start his family, so he may serve God as his family had done it through the years.

On his way to Padan-aram, Jacob became very tired, because he had walked too much already, so he needed to rest for the night, then he took a rock from the area to rest his head, and while sleeping then he began to dream, and while dreaming he could see a hill with three trees ascending amazingly with angels into heaven's glory. Thus, Jacob could see clearly angels ascending to heaven and others descending to earth, and the ones ascending where heading directly to our Father in heaven, and others descending with gifts in their hands for those that love God and His Son Jesus Christ, because this is how He blesses every day all those on earth that love Him through His Son.

Once Jacob had observed for a while the activity of the angels going up and down the ladder then he heard a voice coming towards him from the middle of the three trees that one was our heavenly Father and the other the Holy Spirit, as witnesses for what was taking place on that day. (And our heavenly Father along with the Holy Spirit had to have our Lord Jesus Christ in the middle of them, because they are the eternal witness to every word that may come out his mouth to every man, woman and child from all the nations, for it is written: any testimony is valid with two or three witnesses.)

Long-suffering, our Lord Jesus Christ said to Jacob: The land where you are standing, I have given it to you and to your children that will come after you from future generations; for your children will be as numerous as the stars in the sky that no one will ever be able to count them. Jacob heard from our Lord Jesus Christ words of love, kindness, and of abundant grace for him and for his children that were coming from future generation to inherit Canaan, forever, because they were not only the ones that will inherit it but also the ones that will perform the eternal sacrifice of the atoning-blood to kill sin everlastingly at last.

Really, they were the children that were going to ascend Jerusalem's holy hill to nail to the cross the one that was speaking to him, the Son of David, because he will be the one conveying the seed of the atoning-blood to be nailed to the cross of Adam and Eve finally to shed it to the ground with pure abundant salvation-love. For the reason that, this is the atoning-blood that needed to be shed by Abraham's children to the ground filled with our heavenly Father's unfailing-love for His Son and for every man, woman and child to end sin, the angel of death, and the eternal death in hell's torment, so a new earth with splendid skies may be created at last.

Now, for this to take place, then Jacob had to start a covenant of life with our Lord Jesus Christ speaking to him from the middle of the three trees, and this was a covenant that only Jacob could do it before our living-savior as God's firstborn on earth and Jesus Christ as God's firstborn in heaven's glory, for all eternity. Moreover, both where our heavenly Father's firstborns, Jacob was God's firstborn on earth because he had been born from Isaac his father that was born by the Holy Spirit through his mother Sarah's barren-womb, and our Lord Jesus Christ is God's firstborn in heaven because he emerged from Him, and so Israel's birth was sealed with a covenant of God's two-firstborns.

Therefore, the covenant of life that started Jacob with our Lord Jesus Christ speaking to him from the middle of the three crosses ascending into heaven's glory is valid, because both firstborns had the seed of the atoning-blood to destroy sin forever running in their entire bodies, so they may have eternal life along with everyone's else around the world, forever. That is to say, also that the atoning-blood that Jacob saw at Jerusalem's holy hill spilled all over the ground and the cross, it was the same atoning-blood that he had received from his father Isaac as he was born as God's firstborn on earth, so he may establish the covenant of the atoning-blood for eternal life with Jesus Christ, forever.

That is why, that Jacob not only said to Jesus Christ: if you feed and dress me, moreover you make sure that I make it safe into my relative's hometown to meet my wife, then you will be my God forever--and then--while praying, he anointed with oil the rock to seal his vow to serve God and Jesus Christ, forever. And because Jacob sealed a covenant of life with our Lord Jesus Christ that not only assures him and his children: love, kindness, mercy and grace through life on earth, but also certified that wherever they may go, then they will always arrive at their destination safe, including heaven's glory, so his name may be glorified always powerfully through Israel's progressive history.

Because, this is how our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ are always glorified in heaven with the angels and on earth with every man, woman and child, so the people from the nations may know that to serve God and His Son is the best thing that they will ever do in this life and for all eternity to come. Certainly, for this event to take place that sealed the birth of Israel as a nation conveying always with them and through life the seed of the atoning-blood that will not only bless them powerfully, that is, if they remain faithful to Jacob's vow to Jesus Christ at Jerusalem's holy hill, then it had to take another four-hundred years to pass.

And after this previous event, then another four-hundred and thirty years had to take place for our heavenly Father to descend with Jerusalem's holy hill over Mount Sinai with the seed of the atoning-blood spilled with love to the ground of the three crosses of God and of His Son Jesus Christ, for Israel to become liberated finally from Egypt's captivity. For all the miracles and great wonders that our heavenly Father needed to perform to liberate Israel from Egypt, then they had to descend one-after-another from Jerusalem's holy ground that is always saturated with His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood that he had shed with love since Creation day to create the world with all things, including the everlasting-nation of Israel, for eternity.

Furthermore, our heavenly Father hardened Pharaoh's heart so he will always refuse to let Israel go to meet our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ at Jerusalem's holy hill that was resting over Mount Sinai, because He wanted to show Israel that every miracle and great wonder that will ever take place in their lives, it descends from God's holy mountain. For this is our heavenly Father's holy mountaintop that has been saturated forever with His Son's atoning-blood shed with love to the ground of the three crosses of God and of His Chosen Lamb, so He may create the world with all things, and Israel with her great blessed future that it is to come with the nations in heaven's glory.

Now, after the four-hundred and thirty years have been completed then our heavenly Father descended with His Jerusalem's holy hill as His supreme nonstop celestial-sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's three crosses blazing with the fire of the Holy Spirit, so Moses may come up, for God himself had Good News to tell him immediately. Therefore, it was the atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's three crosses blazing with the fire of the nonstop celestial-sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ that called Moses, then Moses' blood running through his heart and veins heard the call of God's blood, so he started to walk towards Mount Sinai, guided always by the Holy Spirit that was with him.

Provided that, the Holy Spirit has always been faithful not only to the covenant that our heavenly Father started with Abram and his people at the Lord's Table to eat the bread and drink the wine from His Son, as his sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood blessing the glorified-body with the new bloodline injected into humankind, but also to Isaac's and Jacob's covenants. Therefore, the Holy Spirit was with Moses as always he has been with every man, woman and child within Israel, because this seed of the atoning-blood is forever with our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit to bring into the world the Great King Messiah with the glorified-body and atoning-blood that will grant us abundant eternal life at last, into eternity.

Then, as Moses ascended to Mount Sinai, he immediately found himself standing over Jerusalem's holy ground where God's atoning-blood had been shed since Creation day to make the contact that Jacob and others had failed until then, so our heavenly Father may be able to speak to Israel: Deliverance from Egypt, forever; certainly, Israel's complete salvation had finally arrived on time. Now, Moses was able to gain this great salvation for Israel, because he had within his heart and veins running the seed of the atoning-blood that had started with Isaac as he was born from his mother Sarah's barren-womb by the power of the Holy Spirit, so the contact that he had made with the atoning-blood shed to the ground was successful.

Certainly, this is something that Jacob had failed to do, because our heavenly Father descended with His Jerusalem's holy hill and His Son along with the Holy Spirit to speak to him trough a dream that resulted in receiving Canaan but also the children to inhabit it, so His Kingdom that He had only dreamed about, it was developing at last. Definitely, that after four-hundred and thirty years of total silence from heaven above just as in the days of Noah and Abram, our heavenly Father descended with Jerusalem's holy hill and His Son Jesus Christ as His nonstop celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood engulfed with the blazing fire of the Holy Spirit to burn sin, removes darkness: For God was visiting Israel.

Now, provided that Moses had made contact with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed with much love to the ground of God's three crosses to become engulfed with the blazing fire of the Holy Spirit, then Israel received power and authority not only to escape Egypt but also to cross the Red sea to stand at Mount Sinai. For Israel needed to see Jerusalem's holy hill with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground with much love of God's three crosses, because they needed to see what Moses had seen, but also they needed to drink from Jerusalem's holy hill the atoning-blood turned into abundant living-water running as a river to quench their thirst and the livestock.

However, at Mount Sinai, while our heavenly Father had invited Moses to ascended to Jerusalem's holy hill, so he may receive the two tablets of the Ten Commandments, then, somehow, after the people waited for Moses to descend for forty days and forty nights, immediately they started to call on other gods, so they may serve them. Aaron heard the outcry of the people, so to please and calm them, then he said: bring the jewelry that we received from the Egyptians as we escaped into the Red sea to cross it, and the people, without waiting any longer, they brought most of the jewelry, and Aaron threw it into the furnace to fashion a Golden Calf.

As the Golden Calf was presented to the people by Aaron, then they began to worship it, and they began to say to everyone around them that these were the gods that had liberated them from Egypt, so the people bowed and worshipped the Golden Calf, causing our heavenly Father's anger to rise, and the Holy Spirit to grieve. (This is the day that Israel disconnected themselves from our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's three crosses engulfed in the fire of the Holy Spirit, and as they disconnected themselves from the nonstop celestial-sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood, immediately He was ready to destroy them forever, causing Israel to live in deep darkness again.)

However, because Moses prayed immediately for Israel to be forgiven for this terrible sin that they had committed against our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ that had shed his atoning-blood to the ground of God's three crosses blazing with the fire of the Holy Spirit, then He postponed His sentence against them until Judgment Day. Given that, our heavenly Father said to Moses: I have heard your prayer for these people; I will not destroy them, as I have said because of their sin, but in Judgment Day, they will give an account to me for this sin, and the soul that sins against me, I will erase his name from my book of life, forever.

And the sin that had angered our heavenly Father the most, it was the sin against His Son Jesus Christ that had shed his atoning-blood with much love to the ground of God's three crosses blazing with the Holy Spirit fire to destroy every darkness from Satan, and that now, they are calling a piece of gold their gods and liberators. (Certainly, this sin with the Golden Calf disconnected Israel from the contact that Moses had made successfully over Jerusalem's holy hill as he stepped on holy ground, and our Lord Jesus Christ's commanded him to remove his sandals to make contact with his atoning-blood, so Israel may receive blessings thus to become liberated from darkness within Egypt that was killing them.)

However, though the Israelis had sinned terribly against our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ by disconnecting themselves from the shed atoning-blood that saves them from the power of sin and darkness within Egypt, our heavenly Father continued to listen to Moses' prayers, so He allowed them to live, because he wanted Israel to possess the Promised Land at last. Moses wanted to enjoy the milk and honey that the land of Canaan produces daily for those that love our heavenly Father and His King Messiah, His Son Jesus Christ, so he continued to pray to Him for Israel to make it through the Sinai's desert into the Promised Land victorious over all enemies, and our Father willfully went along with Moses.

Nonetheless, Israel continued to rebel against our heavenly Father and His Son that was constantly present with them, because as they drank from the rock that our heavenly Father showed to Moses and Israel His Son's atoning-blood turned into living-water, then they had to take Jerusalem's holy hill with the atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's three crosses into Canaan. This was something that Abraham's children had to do, because this was in our heavenly Father's mind as He sealed the covenant of life with Abraham and his allies as they ate the bread and drank from the wine from His Son Jesus Christ's hands at the Supper Table, so His Son's atoning-blood may be shed by them to kill sin forever.

Now, our heavenly Father had Israel wander from place to place for forty years throughout the Sinai's desert, because He always took them near the place where they had sinned against Him and His celestial-sacrifice of His Son's atoning-blood over Jerusalem's holy hill resting on Mount Sinai, so they may die there where they sinned. In other words, just because Israel had fashioned a Golden Calf with the jewelry that they had received from the Egyptian, and by vowing down to it to call it their gods that liberated them from Egypt, then they had mortally stabbed and killed His Son Jesus Christ, and so, this is why that He wanted to kill them too at Sinai.

(Moreover, this is exactly what our heavenly Father did with every one that sinned against His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood by accepting and vowing down to a Golden Calf, as the gods and liberators that had taken them from Egypt; lawfully, our heavenly Father judged and killed them where they sinned at Mount Sinai, and He did this behind Moses' back. In other words, what our heavenly Father said here is that if you attack and kill my nonstop celestial sacrifice of my Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's three crosses blazing with the Holy Spirit's fire over Jerusalem's holy hill, then I am ready to kill you too, that is, if you fail to repent from this evil.)

For the reason that, once the Israelis that had escaped Egypt that made contact with the Golden Calf that they had fashioned, then they disconnected from our heavenly Father's Jerusalem's holy hill atoning-blood shed to the ground of His three crosses engulfed with the Holy Spirit's fire, so He could not allow them to enter disloyally with Jerusalem's holy hill into Canaan. However, our heavenly Father was waiting for their children to be born to take Jerusalem's holy hill with the atoning-blood shed to the ground of His three crosses blazing with the Holy Spirit's fire, so their children's children timely may take His Son to shed his saving-blood to the ground thus finally destroying sin, Satan, the angel of death, and hell, forever.

For this is why that, our heavenly Father had liberated them from Egypt initially to take the Tabernacle of Reunion along with Jerusalem's holy hill with the crosses on fire of the Holy Spirit, over their heads thus to conquer the Promised Land with His holy name, because He needed it to be established over Jerusalem for His new Kingdom to come. Absolutely, this was something that only Abraham's children could do, and never any other nation, because His covenant of life was initially with Abram, then His covenant of the Holy Spirit with Sarah to have Isaac born miraculously from her barren-womb, for Jacob to be His firstborn thus making the last covenant of life for Israel to become an everlasting nation.

For this will finally be His nation bearing the seed of the atoning-blood for every man, woman and child to become born again by the power of the Holy Spirit as they may adhere to His covenant of life thus to become His Gods, priests and Kings for His new angelic Kingdom in heaven's glory. Provided that, our heavenly Father needs to fill the void left behind by angels that felled from grace as they believed in Lucifer that he could exalt his wicked name above God's and that of His Son, and so, there are many voids in heaven waiting to be filled by you and your loved ones, that is, if you become His child.

Moreover, you may become His legitimate child, according to the covenant established with Abram with the bread and wine, a covenant established with Sarah, Abram's wife, by the Holy Spirit as Isaac was born from her barren-womb, and finally the covenant established with Jacob as he dreamed with Jerusalem's holy hill and the atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's three crosses. Nowadays, you may become His legitimate child, if you believe within your heart for justice to confess with your lips for salvation that His Son is your savior, because as you may confess, believing in your heart for justice that His Son is your savior, instantly the atoning-blood shed to the ground of Jerusalem's holy hill will wash you spotless from sin.

Besides, once you are washed clean from sin then, immediately, you will become born from the Holy Spirit to become God's legitimate child to be filled with the Holy Spirit and the wonderful every day gift that will give you power as you may live your life for our heavenly Father on earth and in heaven above, forever into eternity. Meaning that, Adam's ill blood that was palpitating within your heart to run in your veins throughout your body then it will be replaced miraculously by His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood, because, now you have been born into our heavenly Father's covenant of life that He started with Abram, then Isaac and finally Jacob, so you may live a powerful life, always.

Now, for Israel to make contact with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's three crosses, then our heavenly Father had to make sure that the rebellious ones will never make it into Canaan, so His glorious work may not be contaminated by their sins and rebellions, so only the children made it successfully into Canaan. And our heavenly Father though they had sin against Him and His Son Jesus Christ, moreover they manifested themselves always rebellious to His will each day, He continued nonetheless to bless them with His Son Jesus Christ, because His Son was the Angel that He had given to Moses to guide them through the Sinai's desert into Canaan victoriously.

Our heavenly Father physically gave His Son Jesus Christ as His Holy Angel to be with them all the way through the Sinai's desert into the Promised Land and beyond but, He warned them that, if they rebel and sin against him, then he will not forgive their rebellions much less their sins, so He advised them to obey him always. Though the Israelis saw his many miracles and wonders that our Lord Jesus Christ performed for them through the desert to overcome many obstacles and even defeat powerful enemy armies, then they still opted to rebel and sin against him, that he found himself obligated to abandon them many times in desert to the will of their cruel enemies.

However, whenever they repented from their rebellions and sins then our Lord Jesus Christ would hear their prayers to return, so he will continue to be not only their guide but also their high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood of the nonstop celestial-sacrifice of his atoning-blood shed to the ground of Jerusalem's holy hill that was always over their heads. Meaning that, our Lord Jesus Christ would normally return, so with his atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's three crosses over Jerusalem's holy hill will remove sins from Israel for the Holy Spirit to continue to be with them, otherwise it was impossible for our heavenly Father to descend upon them because of the constant presence of sin and rebellion.

In other words, the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ within Israel through the Sinai's desert then it made practicable not only for the Holy Spirit to stay with Israel for all the time that they may need him, but also it made it possible for our heavenly Father to descend upon Israel thus to bless them as His people. That is to say, also that without our Lord Jesus Christ constant presence with his atoning-blood that removes sin thus to make everything holy enough, then it would have been impossible for the Holy Spirit to descend upon Israel to bless them and the same is true with our heavenly Father, and so, Israel needed our Lord Jesus Christ's presence always.

And without Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground of Jerusalem's holy hill, then Israel would have never been able to escape captivity much less have a land of her own, as she does currently, because it is the constant power of our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood bond that makes her holy, and anyone else, too, for God to visit as always. Then, right after Israel had conquered Canaan by entering victorious with the Tabernacle of Reunion and Jerusalem's holy hill with the atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's three crosses blazing with the fire of the Holy Spirit, of the commandments and of the holy name, then, another four-hundred years had to pass for Israel to make physical contact with the atoning-blood.

Certainly, for four-hundred years Israel never heard again from God and His Son as they did through the desert and within Canaan from their ministers, prophets, and the usual manifestation of the Holy Spirit, for the coming of the Son of David was nearing, and no one knew the day and hour, for Israel to make physical contact again with the atoning-blood. However, though Israel did everything very well, because whether they knew or not, they were guided always by the Holy Spirit in everything that they did with our Lord Jesus Christ, because the Scriptures had to be fulfilled, so they took God's Lamb with the atoning-blood to be nailed to the cross, to remove sin, and to start a new life, forever.

Nevertheless, they failed terribly to stay in contact with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed by them to the ground of God's three crosses to blaze with the Holy Spirit's eternal fire that removes all darkness from everyone's life in this life and forever into eternity to come in heaven's glory, and, that is why, of their constant sufferings from then on. That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ once his days on earth finally were coming to an end then he stood at a distance to look at Israel and Jerusalem her capital, God's Chosen City, and he said: If you only had known the day that God visited you, then you would have been blessed as you would have never dreamed.

Moreover, our Lord Jesus Christ cried for a while at the gates of Jerusalem because he had to say that so many times I did all I could to gather you under my arms as a hen will gather her chicks to give them warm and protection, and you did not want to come under my wings, the cross, that is. And lamentable things will continue to take place within Israel until the leadership returns to Jerusalem's holy hill to make the physical contact that Moses did in his days to liberate Israel from Egypt, and later within Canaan and over Jerusalem's holy hill again, where they nailed Jesus Christ as God's Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin on the cross, forever.

Since the day that: Abraham's children took our Lord Jesus Christ to Jerusalem's holy hill to be nailed to the cross thus to shed the atoning-blood to remove sin forever at last for everyone's eternal forgiveness, blessing and lasting salvation, then, it has taken already many four-hundreds of years over and over again until now. Now, the question is constant with our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and even angels with save people in heaven's glory: How many more four-hundreds of years have to elapse endlessly for Israel to make physical contact with the atoning-blood, so our heavenly Father's will may be done on earth as it in heaven these days.

Nowadays, we hope that Israel will soon consider that they have to make that much needed (and very essential) physical contact with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed over Jerusalem's holy hill to remove Israel's national sin, for the Holy Spirit to descend and the same with our heavenly Father for blessing to be possible just as it was in times past. Now, if Israel makes this very important move that they will eventually find themselves that they have to do it urgently, then they will be not only honoring every covenant of life that our heavenly Father stared with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but also heaven's gates will be opened for blessings to rain upon the nations as never before.

The entire world will know blessing, because Adam and Eve's sinful blood will no longer be running through the heart and veins of every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, but only our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood with every blessing possible to inundate us with salvation love everlastingly, gained successfully over Jerusalem's holy hill mighty cross. Timely, Adam and Eve will sit with the children in front of our heavenly Father and His Son serving the bread that is his sacred-flesh and the cup of wine that is his atoning-blood, so we will never hunger much less thirst again, because we will be filled with the glorified Holy Spirit of the commandments and of the holy name, forever.

We will be a very happy family united in heaven's glory, because of our heavenly Father's persistent-love towards His Son's atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's three crosses blazing with the Holy Spirit's fire over Jerusalem's holy hill is finally consummated, so we may eat bread and wine together at the Lord's Table only to know love, blessing, richness, and lasting-happiness. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work, and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST every day. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest, too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN's glories as you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you.





2015-03-08 21:12:17 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
Sábado, 28 de Febrero, 2015 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
Our heavenly Father invited Adam and Eve to eat with Him from the fruit, of the tree of life that is at the epicenter of Paradise, for this is His Son Jesus Christ as always serving the bread and wine over the Lord's Table, for holiness and pristine life to continue to exist throughout Creation. Lawfully, Adam and Eve were supposed to approach the Lord's Table to sit with our heavenly Father, so our Lord Jesus Christ will begin to serve the bread and wine that he has always served to the angels in heaven's glory, so they may always live to love, serve and glorify our heavenly Father's holy name in perfect holiness.
Instead, what Adam and Eve did was to sit with the old serpent from the Garden of Eden to eat from the fruit, of the tree of knowledge of good and evil that our heavenly Father had warned them that the day that they may eat from it, then they will die, because they will be born into the world of darkness. And because Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden fruit that our heavenly Father had warned that they should never eat from it, then they began to live in eternal darkness, because the Holy Spirit was no longer with them, and this was a terrible experience that they began to live since their eyes were opened to fear, daily-terror, and death.
Surely, Adam and Eve became terrified, because they knew that they were in trouble, since they began to experience terrible things within their hearts that frightened them to the point that they wanted to return to the spiritual estate that they were born initially from our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit, but it was too late, and thus extremely impossible. These are the days that not only Adam and Eve began to live the every day in deep darkness that though that they had minds but they failed to understand, they had ears and failed to hear, they had eyes and failed to see, and ultimately the children were born this way, as well, because the Holy Spirit was extremely grieved.
Moreover, because the Holy Spirit was offended since the day that Adam and Eve began to eat from the forbidden fruit that had caused them to be born from the world of light, into the world of darkness, then our heavenly Father needed to have Adam and Eve and the children to be reconciled with the Holy Spirit at the earliest. That is why, that our heavenly Father immediately after Adam and Eve had disobeyed by eating from the forbidden fruit, instead of the fruit of life that is His Son Jesus Christ always serving the bread and wine over the Lord's Table in heaven for the angels, then He had to get the children to sit with Him at His Table.
Then, it took few hundred years, perhaps, about four-hundred, for Adam and Eve to give birth to Cain and later to Abel; Cain became a farmer, who loved to toil the land and to make it produce its bountiful fruit, flowers and vegetables, while his brother Abel tended the livestock of the land causing them to multiply abundantly throughout the land. Both of them brought the best of the land to set up at the Lord's altar, since it was harvest time, Cain brought the best of the fruit, vegetables, adorned with abundant colorful flowers that he had cultivated in abundance, while Abel his brother brought the best of the young livestock for the atoning-blood sacrifice, for the first time on earth.
Our heavenly Father saw Abel's animal sacrifice atoning-blood shed to the ground at His altar that pleased Him very much, because it reminded His Son's atoning-blood, but with Cain's offering He was not that pleased--that caused Cain to become angry with his brother Abel's animal-sacrifice thus sinning not only against our heavenly Father but also grieving the Holy Spirit. That is to say, that the sin that Adam and Eve committed against our heavenly Father by failing to eat from the fruit of life that is the bread and wine that our Lord Jesus Christ serves daily in heaven's glory to the angelic hosts at Supper's Table, then Cain sinned again against our Father similarly, grieving considerably the Holy Spirit.
For Abel's blood shed to the ground by his brother Cain with great violence started to cry out to heaven for our Father and His Son Jesus Christ to forgive him for the sin that he had committed against Him, so he will not die to descend into hell's torment forever condemned, where Satan and his fallen angels rule with terror. Then, while Abel's blood shed to the ground was crying to our heavenly Father not to condemn his brother Cain for the terrible sin that he had committed against him and the Holy Spirit, at once, judgment and the sentence was passed by our heavenly Father against Cain and his lineage, so his sin will never prevail on earth much less in heaven.
That is why, that our heavenly Father felt obligated to judge not only Cain for his sin by banishing him from the land, for it will not longer give it produce in great abundance, but also to sentence him to become a fugitive to wander from place to place, for grieving the Holy Spirit, as he was initially grieved in paradise. (This is the judgment and sentence that every one will certainly receive, that is, if they sin against our heavenly Father and His Lamb with the atoning-blood shed since Creation day, and grieved the Holy Spirit, then they will be banished from heaven's glory to wander into eternity eternally confused for their sin against His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.)
Immediately, Cain said to our heavenly Father: The judgment and sentence that you have passed against me, certainly it is too heavy for me to bear: now, whenever people may see me then they will want to kill me, and there is nothing I can do to escape from your sentence, that banishes me from the land completely without returning again. However, our heavenly Father said to Cain: I will put a mark on your forehead, so whoever may see you then he will not kill you, because the one that kills you will receive seven times the judgment that I have passed against you for shedding violently your brother's blood to the ground.
(That is why, that Israel not only ceased to be nation for generations, since they failed to remain faithful to the contact that they had made not only with Moses at Jerusalem's holy hill resting over Mount Sinai to escape Egypt, but also at Jerusalem's holy hill within Canaan, so the Hebrews wander from place to place searching the salvation atoning-blood. Surely, following our heavenly Father had passed judgment and sentence against Cain, for the evil that he had committed not only against Abel but also against God and His Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin shed since Creation day, our Lord Jesus Christ, then Abel's blood continued to cry from the ground for his brother's forgiveness and eternal well-being.)
Unquestionably, because Abel's blood continued to cry to our heavenly Father for his brother Cain's forgiveness and eternal well-being, then He began to see how to start a new covenant of life with humankind on earth, since his first intent of a covenant with Adam and Eve failed, because they both ate from the forbidden fruit thus they became banished from paradise. Definitely, it was Abel's blood shed to the ground by his brother Cain that moved our heavenly Father's heart and that of His Son Jesus Christ to see the way to send the Holy Spirit to enter into every man, woman and child's life, so a new bloodline may start on earth with a better covenant of life that will never end.
Meanwhile, our heavenly Father was searching for the way to start a new covenant of life with everyone on earth, but He could not find one, except Noah, but still the entire earth was too wild and violent that He could not sit with anyone at the Lord's Table to eat the bread and wine from His Son Jesus Christ's wounded-hands. That is why, that our heavenly Father said: My Spirit will not continue to struggle with men, for they are flesh and I am Spirit--this is when He decided to destroy the world with the flood, so the wicked may die to be able to sit with reasonable men at the Lord's Table to eat the bread and wine of life.
Meaning that, although that our heavenly Father wanted to sit with men at the Lord's Table to eat the bread and wine from His Son Jesus Christ's hand thus to start a new bloodline with humankind, then He still could not do it, because the old world had to die, for the new one to start with His perfect-covenant of life. (Surely, that is why that our heavenly Father that after He had done everything that it was possible to liberate Israel from Egypt's captivity, then He was ready to kill Israel, because they sinned against His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood by fashioning a Golden Calf to worship it, when He was planning a new world without sin and rebellion.
That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father that all the wicked from the entire world may die in a worldwide flood by opening the fountains of water from heaven above and those from the earth bellow, so no one will survive in his sin, except Noah and his family, because he was righteous in His sight. However, though our heavenly Father destroyed the old world with a worldwide flood that rose above the highest mountains on earth thus causing the death of every living thing that had breath, then Abel's blood still continued to cry to Him from under the ground for the forgiveness of his brother Cain and well-being of his children to come.)
Furthermore, because of Abel's blood crying from the ground that our heavenly Father sent His Son Jesus Christ to become the King of Salem, Melchizedek, so he will be also His personal high priest before every man, woman and child, because He was ready to sit with Abram and his men at the Lord's Table to start a new bloodline with humankind. Our heavenly Father began to have an every day personal relationship with Abram that was so powerful in his life that he became more blessed than all the riches people that were known in those days, for he had accumulated abundant wealth, moreover he had many servants that were always working with and for him.
Without a shred of doubt, Abram was so rich and powerful that his enemies were always trying to steal from his wealth but they failed constantly, because he was well protected by the holy angels, however his nephew Lot fell at the hands of the enemy in a big battle that he lost everything he had, including his family. Unquestionably, once Abram heard that his nephew Lot had been taken away from his land by his enemies, then he took his 318 men from his household and went after them, because he knew that the Angel of the Lord was with him to retake his nephew with all his belongings and his loved ones, as well.
Surely, Abram recognized that he had become victorious over all his enemies and that he had retaken not only his nephew Lot with his loved-ones and all his wealth that he lost, but also that our Father in heaven was ready to given more than he could have lost. At once, as Abram returned from his great victory against the kings of the land that had come together to fight not only against him but also his family, so they may steal everything that he had, then the King of Salem, Melchizedek, came out to receive him with the Lord's Table set up for him and his men.
On this day, Abram gave one-tenth of his belongings to our Lord Jesus Christ, because he was not only our heavenly Father's high priest on earth but also he was widely known as God's Righteousness, and because Abram did this with His Son, then He wanted to start the new covenant of life with him. (Here you may see that if you bless His Son Jesus Christ whether because he is His high priest or His perfect Righteousness in heaven for the angels and on earth with all the families of the nations, then He is going to bless you back with powerful blessings; Abram blessed Jesus Christ, then he got blessed back instantly from heaven above.)
Thus, it pleased very much for our heavenly Father to sit with Abram and his allies at the Lord's Table to eat the bread and wine from His Son Jesus Christ, because the bread is his flesh and the wine is his blood, the new bloodline that needed to be established on earth with a covenant of life that will never end. At the Lord's Table, our heavenly Father ate with Abram and his allies the bread from heaven that is His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh to start a new human body with every man, woman and child, and He also drank from the wine that is His Son's atoning-blood to start the bloodline that will give life to this newly glorified body.
This is how our heavenly Father is finally doing away with the sinful flesh and ill blood of Adam and Eve to introduce the new Adam with his sacred-flesh that will dress every man, woman and child born again from the Holy Spirit thus also to take on the new bloodline giving eternal life to this new glorified human body, for eternity. Certainly, this is exactly what happened the day that our heavenly Father sat down with Abram and his allies to eat the bread and wine from His Son Jesus Christ's wounded hands, because He needed to start a new body with the perfect blood that pleases Him in all truth and justice forever into eternity.
Really, this is the beginning of the new man and woman that He wanted to have in His new angelic Kingdom on earth, because He will eventually create a new earth with glorious skies above, and in heaven's glory for all eternity to come, as the New Jerusalem from heaven above filled with love, life, richness, and everlasting happiness. Therefore, by our heavenly Father eating with Abram and his allies the bread and wine from His Son Jesus Christ's hands at the Lord's Table, then by faith, the new man with the perfect bloodline was ready to be born by the power of the Holy Spirit, through the womb of a woman that it was totally dead, forever.
That is to say, also that just because our heavenly Father had partaken from the bread and wine with Abram and his men at the Lord's Table, then the Holy Spirit had gained the right to enter into Abram's wife Sarah's barren-womb to fill it with the seed of the atoning-blood of life, so Isaac may be miraculously born everlastingly blessed. This was a very important covenant of life that our heavenly Father needed to start with Abram and his wife Sarah's barren-womb by the Holy Spirit's power, because the child that was to be born from her barren-womb, it will be a child free from the seed of sinful man--meaning that, it is here where sin began to die, forever.
For the reason that, once Isaac is born with the seed of the atoning-blood that will eventually be shed at Jerusalem's holy hill that is really our heavenly Father's door and House of God to heaven with the angels and on earth with Israel and the nations, then a new covenant of life could be established with humankind, forever. Given that, the child that will be born from Isaac, it will be a child carrying the new bloodline that pleases all truth and justice not only on earth for the King Messiah to be born timely from David's virgin daughter, but also it has the power to ascend upon Jerusalem's holy hill, the House of God, anytime for prayer and reconciliation.
Meaning that, once Jacob was born, then he became our heavenly Father's firstborn, because the seed of the atoning-blood is in him, so he will not only be always our Father's firstborn but also every one else born from him from the twelve tribes of Israel, because the seed of the atoning-blood running through their veins is the blood-covenant, forever. This is why, that our heavenly Father had to teach to Abram to believe that His firstborn will always be Isaac, because the seed of the atoning-blood is in him to be spread worldwide to all his brothers and sisters from the twelve tribes of Israel and to the nations that believe in the coming of the King Messiah for salvation.
Indeed, our heavenly Father had assured Abram that His covenant is with Isaac forever, and not with Ishmael, although he was born first, but without the seed of the atoning-blood covenant in Ishmael to bring salvation, blessing, peace and lasting happiness not only to Israel but to the families of the nations worldwide, then there is not covenant of life possible. Moreover, for these events to evolve then another four-hundred years had to have passed already, so our heavenly Father will not only descend from heaven above to sit with Abram and his people to eat the bread and wine that will usher the newly glorified-body upon earth for every man, woman and child, but also His bloodline to sustain life everlastingly.
Then, as the time was ready for Jacob to form his family, he began to look around for a wife, and his father Isaac said to him: You will not take for a wife from the women in the land that we are living, but, instead you will go to my relatives to Padan-aram where God will give you your wife. And so, Jacob started on his way to his father Isaac's hometown relatives to pick a wife from one of their daughters, because he did not only want to please his father Isaac and his mother, but also, because he was ready to start his family, so he may serve God as his family had done it through the years.
On his way to Padan-aram, Jacob became very tired, because he had walked too much already, so he needed to rest for the night, then he took a rock from the area to rest his head, and while sleeping then he began to dream, and while dreaming he could see a hill with three trees ascending amazingly with angels into heaven's glory. Thus, Jacob could see clearly angels ascending to heaven and others descending to earth, and the ones ascending where heading directly to our Father in heaven, and others descending with gifts in their hands for those that love God and His Son Jesus Christ, because this is how He blesses every day all those on earth that love Him through His Son.
Once Jacob had observed for a while the activity of the angels going up and down the ladder then he heard a voice coming towards him from the middle of the three trees that one was our heavenly Father and the other the Holy Spirit, as witnesses for what was taking place on that day. (And our heavenly Father along with the Holy Spirit had to have our Lord Jesus Christ in the middle of them, because they are the eternal witness to every word that may come out his mouth to every man, woman and child from all the nations, for it is written: any testimony is valid with two or three witnesses.)
Long-suffering, our Lord Jesus Christ said to Jacob: The land where you are standing, I have given it to you and to your children that will come after you from future generations; for your children will be as numerous as the stars in the sky that no one will ever be able to count them. Jacob heard from our Lord Jesus Christ words of love, kindness, and of abundant grace for him and for his children that were coming from future generation to inherit Canaan, forever, because they were not only the ones that will inherit it but also the ones that will perform the eternal sacrifice of the atoning-blood to kill sin everlastingly at last.
Really, they were the children that were going to ascend Jerusalem's holy hill to nail to the cross the one that was speaking to him, the Son of David, because he will be the one conveying the seed of the atoning-blood to be nailed to the cross of Adam and Eve finally to shed it to the ground with pure abundant salvation-love. For the reason that, this is the atoning-blood that needed to be shed by Abraham's children to the ground filled with our heavenly Father's unfailing-love for His Son and for every man, woman and child to end sin, the angel of death, and the eternal death in hell's torment, so a new earth with splendid skies may be created at last.
Now, for this to take place, then Jacob had to start a covenant of life with our Lord Jesus Christ speaking to him from the middle of the three trees, and this was a covenant that only Jacob could do it before our living-savior as God's firstborn on earth and Jesus Christ as God's firstborn in heaven's glory, for all eternity. Moreover, both where our heavenly Father's firstborns, Jacob was God's firstborn on earth because he had been born from Isaac his father that was born by the Holy Spirit through his mother Sarah's barren-womb, and our Lord Jesus Christ is God's firstborn in heaven because he emerged from Him, and so Israel's birth was sealed with a covenant of God's two-firstborns.
Therefore, the covenant of life that started Jacob with our Lord Jesus Christ speaking to him from the middle of the three crosses ascending into heaven's glory is valid, because both firstborns had the seed of the atoning-blood to destroy sin forever running in their entire bodies, so they may have eternal life along with everyone's else around the world, forever. That is to say, also that the atoning-blood that Jacob saw at Jerusalem's holy hill spilled all over the ground and the cross, it was the same atoning-blood that he had received from his father Isaac as he was born as God's firstborn on earth, so he may establish the covenant of the atoning-blood for eternal life with Jesus Christ, forever.
That is why, that Jacob not only said to Jesus Christ: if you feed and dress me, moreover you make sure that I make it safe into my relative's hometown to meet my wife, then you will be my God forever--and then--while praying, he anointed with oil the rock to seal his vow to serve God and Jesus Christ, forever. And because Jacob sealed a covenant of life with our Lord Jesus Christ that not only assures him and his children: love, kindness, mercy and grace through life on earth, but also certified that wherever they may go, then they will always arrive at their destination safe, including heaven's glory, so his name may be glorified always powerfully through Israel's progressive history.
Because, this is how our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ are always glorified in heaven with the angels and on earth with every man, woman and child, so the people from the nations may know that to serve God and His Son is the best thing that they will ever do in this life and for all eternity to come. Certainly, for this event to take place that sealed the birth of Israel as a nation conveying always with them and through life the seed of the atoning-blood that will not only bless them powerfully, that is, if they remain faithful to Jacob's vow to Jesus Christ at Jerusalem's holy hill, then it had to take another four-hundred years to pass.
And after this previous event, then another four-hundred and thirty years had to take place for our heavenly Father to descend with Jerusalem's holy hill over Mount Sinai with the seed of the atoning-blood spilled with love to the ground of the three crosses of God and of His Son Jesus Christ, for Israel to become liberated finally from Egypt's captivity. For all the miracles and great wonders that our heavenly Father needed to perform to liberate Israel from Egypt, then they had to descend one-after-another from Jerusalem's holy ground that is always saturated with His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood that he had shed with love since Creation day to create the world with all things, including the everlasting-nation of Israel, for eternity.
Furthermore, our heavenly Father hardened Pharaoh's heart so he will always refuse to let Israel go to meet our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ at Jerusalem's holy hill that was resting over Mount Sinai, because He wanted to show Israel that every miracle and great wonder that will ever take place in their lives, it descends from God's holy mountain. For this is our heavenly Father's holy mountaintop that has been saturated forever with His Son's atoning-blood shed with love to the ground of the three crosses of God and of His Chosen Lamb, so He may create the world with all things, and Israel with her great blessed future that it is to come with the nations in heaven's glory.
Now, after the four-hundred and thirty years have been completed then our heavenly Father descended with His Jerusalem's holy hill as His supreme nonstop celestial-sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's three crosses blazing with the fire of the Holy Spirit, so Moses may come up, for God himself had Good News to tell him immediately. Therefore, it was the atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's three crosses blazing with the fire of the nonstop celestial-sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ that called Moses, then Moses' blood running through his heart and veins heard the call of God's blood, so he started to walk towards Mount Sinai, guided always by the Holy Spirit that was with him.
Provided that, the Holy Spirit has always been faithful not only to the covenant that our heavenly Father started with Abram and his people at the Lord's Table to eat the bread and drink the wine from His Son, as his sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood blessing the glorified-body with the new bloodline injected into humankind, but also to Isaac's and Jacob's covenants. Therefore, the Holy Spirit was with Moses as always he has been with every man, woman and child within Israel, because this seed of the atoning-blood is forever with our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit to bring into the world the Great King Messiah with the glorified-body and atoning-blood that will grant us abundant eternal life at last, into eternity.
Then, as Moses ascended to Mount Sinai, he immediately found himself standing over Jerusalem's holy ground where God's atoning-blood had been shed since Creation day to make the contact that Jacob and others had failed until then, so our heavenly Father may be able to speak to Israel: Deliverance from Egypt, forever; certainly, Israel's complete salvation had finally arrived on time. Now, Moses was able to gain this great salvation for Israel, because he had within his heart and veins running the seed of the atoning-blood that had started with Isaac as he was born from his mother Sarah's barren-womb by the power of the Holy Spirit, so the contact that he had made with the atoning-blood shed to the ground was successful.
Certainly, this is something that Jacob had failed to do, because our heavenly Father descended with His Jerusalem's holy hill and His Son along with the Holy Spirit to speak to him trough a dream that resulted in receiving Canaan but also the children to inhabit it, so His Kingdom that He had only dreamed about, it was developing at last. Definitely, that after four-hundred and thirty years of total silence from heaven above just as in the days of Noah and Abram, our heavenly Father descended with Jerusalem's holy hill and His Son Jesus Christ as His nonstop celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood engulfed with the blazing fire of the Holy Spirit to burn sin, removes darkness: For God was visiting Israel.
Now, provided that Moses had made contact with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed with much love to the ground of God's three crosses to become engulfed with the blazing fire of the Holy Spirit, then Israel received power and authority not only to escape Egypt but also to cross the Red sea to stand at Mount Sinai. For Israel needed to see Jerusalem's holy hill with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground with much love of God's three crosses, because they needed to see what Moses had seen, but also they needed to drink from Jerusalem's holy hill the atoning-blood turned into abundant living-water running as a river to quench their thirst and the livestock.
However, at Mount Sinai, while our heavenly Father had invited Moses to ascended to Jerusalem's holy hill, so he may receive the two tablets of the Ten Commandments, then, somehow, after the people waited for Moses to descend for forty days and forty nights, immediately they started to call on other gods, so they may serve them. Aaron heard the outcry of the people, so to please and calm them, then he said: bring the jewelry that we received from the Egyptians as we escaped into the Red sea to cross it, and the people, without waiting any longer, they brought most of the jewelry, and Aaron threw it into the furnace to fashion a Golden Calf.
As the Golden Calf was presented to the people by Aaron, then they began to worship it, and they began to say to everyone around them that these were the gods that had liberated them from Egypt, so the people bowed and worshipped the Golden Calf, causing our heavenly Father's anger to rise, and the Holy Spirit to grieve. (This is the day that Israel disconnected themselves from our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's three crosses engulfed in the fire of the Holy Spirit, and as they disconnected themselves from the nonstop celestial-sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood, immediately He was ready to destroy them forever, causing Israel to live in deep darkness again.)
However, because Moses prayed immediately for Israel to be forgiven for this terrible sin that they had committed against our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ that had shed his atoning-blood to the ground of God's three crosses blazing with the fire of the Holy Spirit, then He postponed His sentence against them until Judgment Day. Given that, our heavenly Father said to Moses: I have heard your prayer for these people; I will not destroy them, as I have said because of their sin, but in Judgment Day, they will give an account to me for this sin, and the soul that sins against me, I will erase his name from my book of life, forever.
And the sin that had angered our heavenly Father the most, it was the sin against His Son Jesus Christ that had shed his atoning-blood with much love to the ground of God's three crosses blazing with the Holy Spirit fire to destroy every darkness from Satan, and that now, they are calling a piece of gold their gods and liberators. (Certainly, this sin with the Golden Calf disconnected Israel from the contact that Moses had made successfully over Jerusalem's holy hill as he stepped on holy ground, and our Lord Jesus Christ's commanded him to remove his sandals to make contact with his atoning-blood, so Israel may receive blessings thus to become liberated from darkness within Egypt that was killing them.)
However, though the Israelis had sinned terribly against our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ by disconnecting themselves from the shed atoning-blood that saves them from the power of sin and darkness within Egypt, our heavenly Father continued to listen to Moses' prayers, so He allowed them to live, because he wanted Israel to possess the Promised Land at last. Moses wanted to enjoy the milk and honey that the land of Canaan produces daily for those that love our heavenly Father and His King Messiah, His Son Jesus Christ, so he continued to pray to Him for Israel to make it through the Sinai's desert into the Promised Land victorious over all enemies, and our Father willfully went along with Moses.
Nonetheless, Israel continued to rebel against our heavenly Father and His Son that was constantly present with them, because as they drank from the rock that our heavenly Father showed to Moses and Israel His Son's atoning-blood turned into living-water, then they had to take Jerusalem's holy hill with the atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's three crosses into Canaan. This was something that Abraham's children had to do, because this was in our heavenly Father's mind as He sealed the covenant of life with Abraham and his allies as they ate the bread and drank from the wine from His Son Jesus Christ's hands at the Supper Table, so His Son's atoning-blood may be shed by them to kill sin forever.
Now, our heavenly Father had Israel wander from place to place for forty years throughout the Sinai's desert, because He always took them near the place where they had sinned against Him and His celestial-sacrifice of His Son's atoning-blood over Jerusalem's holy hill resting on Mount Sinai, so they may die there where they sinned. In other words, just because Israel had fashioned a Golden Calf with the jewelry that they had received from the Egyptian, and by vowing down to it to call it their gods that liberated them from Egypt, then they had mortally stabbed and killed His Son Jesus Christ, and so, this is why that He wanted to kill them too at Sinai.
(Moreover, this is exactly what our heavenly Father did with every one that sinned against His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood by accepting and vowing down to a Golden Calf, as the gods and liberators that had taken them from Egypt; lawfully, our heavenly Father judged and killed them where they sinned at Mount Sinai, and He did this behind Moses' back. In other words, what our heavenly Father said here is that if you attack and kill my nonstop celestial sacrifice of my Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's three crosses blazing with the Holy Spirit's fire over Jerusalem's holy hill, then I am ready to kill you too, that is, if you fail to repent from this evil.)
For the reason that, once the Israelis that had escaped Egypt that made contact with the Golden Calf that they had fashioned, then they disconnected from our heavenly Father's Jerusalem's holy hill atoning-blood shed to the ground of His three crosses engulfed with the Holy Spirit's fire, so He could not allow them to enter disloyally with Jerusalem's holy hill into Canaan. However, our heavenly Father was waiting for their children to be born to take Jerusalem's holy hill with the atoning-blood shed to the ground of His three crosses blazing with the Holy Spirit's fire, so their children's children timely may take His Son to shed his saving-blood to the ground thus finally destroying sin, Satan, the angel of death, and hell, forever.
For this is why that, our heavenly Father had liberated them from Egypt initially to take the Tabernacle of Reunion along with Jerusalem's holy hill with the crosses on fire of the Holy Spirit, over their heads thus to conquer the Promised Land with His holy name, because He needed it to be established over Jerusalem for His new Kingdom to come. Absolutely, this was something that only Abraham's children could do, and never any other nation, because His covenant of life was initially with Abram, then His covenant of the Holy Spirit with Sarah to have Isaac born miraculously from her barren-womb, for Jacob to be His firstborn thus making the last covenant of life for Israel to become an everlasting nation.
For this will finally be His nation bearing the seed of the atoning-blood for every man, woman and child to become born again by the power of the Holy Spirit as they may adhere to His covenant of life thus to become His Gods, priests and Kings for His new angelic Kingdom in heaven's glory. Provided that, our heavenly Father needs to fill the void left behind by angels that felled from grace as they believed in Lucifer that he could exalt his wicked name above God's and that of His Son, and so, there are many voids in heaven waiting to be filled by you and your loved ones, that is, if you become His child.
Moreover, you may become His legitimate child, according to the covenant established with Abram with the bread and wine, a covenant established with Sarah, Abram's wife, by the Holy Spirit as Isaac was born from her barren-womb, and finally the covenant established with Jacob as he dreamed with Jerusalem's holy hill and the atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's three crosses. Nowadays, you may become His legitimate child, if you believe within your heart for justice to confess with your lips for salvation that His Son is your savior, because as you may confess, believing in your heart for justice that His Son is your savior, instantly the atoning-blood shed to the ground of Jerusalem's holy hill will wash you spotless from sin.
Besides, once you are washed clean from sin then, immediately, you will become born from the Holy Spirit to become God's legitimate child to be filled with the Holy Spirit and the wonderful every day gift that will give you power as you may live your life for our heavenly Father on earth and in heaven above, forever into eternity. Meaning that, Adam's ill blood that was palpitating within your heart to run in your veins throughout your body then it will be replaced miraculously by His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood, because, now you have been born into our heavenly Father's covenant of life that He started with Abram, then Isaac and finally Jacob, so you may live a powerful life, always.
Now, for Israel to make contact with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's three crosses, then our heavenly Father had to make sure that the rebellious ones will never make it into Canaan, so His glorious work may not be contaminated by their sins and rebellions, so only the children made it successfully into Canaan. And our heavenly Father though they had sin against Him and His Son Jesus Christ, moreover they manifested themselves always rebellious to His will each day, He continued nonetheless to bless them with His Son Jesus Christ, because His Son was the Angel that He had given to Moses to guide them through the Sinai's desert into Canaan victoriously.
Our heavenly Father physically gave His Son Jesus Christ as His Holy Angel to be with them all the way through the Sinai's desert into the Promised Land and beyond but, He warned them that, if they rebel and sin against him, then he will not forgive their rebellions much less their sins, so He advised them to obey him always. Though the Israelis saw his many miracles and wonders that our Lord Jesus Christ performed for them through the desert to overcome many obstacles and even defeat powerful enemy armies, then they still opted to rebel and sin against him, that he found himself obligated to abandon them many times in desert to the will of their cruel enemies.
However, whenever they repented from their rebellions and sins then our Lord Jesus Christ would hear their prayers to return, so he will continue to be not only their guide but also their high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood of the nonstop celestial-sacrifice of his atoning-blood shed to the ground of Jerusalem's holy hill that was always over their heads. Meaning that, our Lord Jesus Christ would normally return, so with his atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's three crosses over Jerusalem's holy hill will remove sins from Israel for the Holy Spirit to continue to be with them, otherwise it was impossible for our heavenly Father to descend upon them because of the constant presence of sin and rebellion.
In other words, the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ within Israel through the Sinai's desert then it made practicable not only for the Holy Spirit to stay with Israel for all the time that they may need him, but also it made it possible for our heavenly Father to descend upon Israel thus to bless them as His people. That is to say, also that without our Lord Jesus Christ constant presence with his atoning-blood that removes sin thus to make everything holy enough, then it would have been impossible for the Holy Spirit to descend upon Israel to bless them and the same is true with our heavenly Father, and so, Israel needed our Lord Jesus Christ's presence always.
And without Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground of Jerusalem's holy hill, then Israel would have never been able to escape captivity much less have a land of her own, as she does currently, because it is the constant power of our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood bond that makes her holy, and anyone else, too, for God to visit as always. Then, right after Israel had conquered Canaan by entering victorious with the Tabernacle of Reunion and Jerusalem's holy hill with the atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's three crosses blazing with the fire of the Holy Spirit, of the commandments and of the holy name, then, another four-hundred years had to pass for Israel to make physical contact with the atoning-blood.
Certainly, for four-hundred years Israel never heard again from God and His Son as they did through the desert and within Canaan from their ministers, prophets, and the usual manifestation of the Holy Spirit, for the coming of the Son of David was nearing, and no one knew the day and hour, for Israel to make physical contact again with the atoning-blood. However, though Israel did everything very well, because whether they knew or not, they were guided always by the Holy Spirit in everything that they did with our Lord Jesus Christ, because the Scriptures had to be fulfilled, so they took God's Lamb with the atoning-blood to be nailed to the cross, to remove sin, and to start a new life, forever.
Nevertheless, they failed terribly to stay in contact with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed by them to the ground of God's three crosses to blaze with the Holy Spirit's eternal fire that removes all darkness from everyone's life in this life and forever into eternity to come in heaven's glory, and, that is why, of their constant sufferings from then on. That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ once his days on earth finally were coming to an end then he stood at a distance to look at Israel and Jerusalem her capital, God's Chosen City, and he said: If you only had known the day that God visited you, then you would have been blessed as you would have never dreamed.
Moreover, our Lord Jesus Christ cried for a while at the gates of Jerusalem because he had to say that so many times I did all I could to gather you under my arms as a hen will gather her chicks to give them warm and protection, and you did not want to come under my wings, the cross, that is. And lamentable things will continue to take place within Israel until the leadership returns to Jerusalem's holy hill to make the physical contact that Moses did in his days to liberate Israel from Egypt, and later within Canaan and over Jerusalem's holy hill again, where they nailed Jesus Christ as God's Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin on the cross, forever.
Since the day that: Abraham's children took our Lord Jesus Christ to Jerusalem's holy hill to be nailed to the cross thus to shed the atoning-blood to remove sin forever at last for everyone's eternal forgiveness, blessing and lasting salvation, then, it has taken already many four-hundreds of years over and over again until now. Now, the question is constant with our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and even angels with save people in heaven's glory: How many more four-hundreds of years have to elapse endlessly for Israel to make physical contact with the atoning-blood, so our heavenly Father's will may be done on earth as it in heaven these days.
Nowadays, we hope that Israel will soon consider that they have to make that much needed (and very essential) physical contact with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed over Jerusalem's holy hill to remove Israel's national sin, for the Holy Spirit to descend and the same with our heavenly Father for blessing to be possible just as it was in times past. Now, if Israel makes this very important move that they will eventually find themselves that they have to do it urgently, then they will be not only honoring every covenant of life that our heavenly Father stared with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but also heaven's gates will be opened for blessings to rain upon the nations as never before.
The entire world will know blessing, because Adam and Eve's sinful blood will no longer be running through the heart and veins of every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, but only our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood with every blessing possible to inundate us with salvation love everlastingly, gained successfully over Jerusalem's holy hill mighty cross. Timely, Adam and Eve will sit with the children in front of our heavenly Father and His Son serving the bread that is his sacred-flesh and the cup of wine that is his atoning-blood, so we will never hunger much less thirst again, because we will be filled with the glorified Holy Spirit of the commandments and of the holy name, forever.
We will be a very happy family united in heaven's glory, because of our heavenly Father's persistent-love towards His Son's atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's three crosses blazing with the Holy Spirit's fire over Jerusalem's holy hill is finally consummated, so we may eat bread and wine together at the Lord's Table only to know love, blessing, richness, and lasting-happiness. Amen!
Culture and peace for every one today and always!
Cordially yours,
The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!
JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6
Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9
Put your faith to work, and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10
Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13
What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?
That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13
Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.
If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY
Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?
YES _____? or, NO ______?
Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?
Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST every day. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.
Tell others about JESUS.
Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest, too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN's glories as you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you.
http://youtu.be/hOVdjxtnsH8 d=1
Sábado, 28 de Febrero, 2015 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
Our heavenly Father invited Adam and Eve to eat with Him from the fruit, of the tree of life that is at the epicenter of Paradise, for this is His Son Jesus Christ as always serving the bread and wine over the Lord's Table, for holiness and pristine life to continue to exist throughout Creation. Lawfully, Adam and Eve were supposed to approach the Lord's Table to sit with our heavenly Father, so our Lord Jesus Christ will begin to serve the bread and wine that he has always served to the angels in heaven's glory, so they may always live to love, serve and glorify our heavenly Father's holy name in perfect holiness.
Instead, what Adam and Eve did was to sit with the old serpent from the Garden of Eden to eat from the fruit, of the tree of knowledge of good and evil that our heavenly Father had warned them that the day that they may eat from it, then they will die, because they will be born into the world of darkness. And because Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden fruit that our heavenly Father had warned that they should never eat from it, then they began to live in eternal darkness, because the Holy Spirit was no longer with them, and this was a terrible experience that they began to live since their eyes were opened to fear, daily-terror, and death.
Surely, Adam and Eve became terrified, because they knew that they were in trouble, since they began to experience terrible things within their hearts that frightened them to the point that they wanted to return to the spiritual estate that they were born initially from our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit, but it was too late, and thus extremely impossible. These are the days that not only Adam and Eve began to live the every day in deep darkness that though that they had minds but they failed to understand, they had ears and failed to hear, they had eyes and failed to see, and ultimately the children were born this way, as well, because the Holy Spirit was extremely grieved.
Moreover, because the Holy Spirit was offended since the day that Adam and Eve began to eat from the forbidden fruit that had caused them to be born from the world of light, into the world of darkness, then our heavenly Father needed to have Adam and Eve and the children to be reconciled with the Holy Spirit at the earliest. That is why, that our heavenly Father immediately after Adam and Eve had disobeyed by eating from the forbidden fruit, instead of the fruit of life that is His Son Jesus Christ always serving the bread and wine over the Lord's Table in heaven for the angels, then He had to get the children to sit with Him at His Table.
Then, it took few hundred years, perhaps, about four-hundred, for Adam and Eve to give birth to Cain and later to Abel; Cain became a farmer, who loved to toil the land and to make it produce its bountiful fruit, flowers and vegetables, while his brother Abel tended the livestock of the land causing them to multiply abundantly throughout the land. Both of them brought the best of the land to set up at the Lord's altar, since it was harvest time, Cain brought the best of the fruit, vegetables, adorned with abundant colorful flowers that he had cultivated in abundance, while Abel his brother brought the best of the young livestock for the atoning-blood sacrifice, for the first time on earth.
Our heavenly Father saw Abel's animal sacrifice atoning-blood shed to the ground at His altar that pleased Him very much, because it reminded His Son's atoning-blood, but with Cain's offering He was not that pleased--that caused Cain to become angry with his brother Abel's animal-sacrifice thus sinning not only against our heavenly Father but also grieving the Holy Spirit. That is to say, that the sin that Adam and Eve committed against our heavenly Father by failing to eat from the fruit of life that is the bread and wine that our Lord Jesus Christ serves daily in heaven's glory to the angelic hosts at Supper's Table, then Cain sinned again against our Father similarly, grieving considerably the Holy Spirit.
For Abel's blood shed to the ground by his brother Cain with great violence started to cry out to heaven for our Father and His Son Jesus Christ to forgive him for the sin that he had committed against Him, so he will not die to descend into hell's torment forever condemned, where Satan and his fallen angels rule with terror. Then, while Abel's blood shed to the ground was crying to our heavenly Father not to condemn his brother Cain for the terrible sin that he had committed against him and the Holy Spirit, at once, judgment and the sentence was passed by our heavenly Father against Cain and his lineage, so his sin will never prevail on earth much less in heaven.
That is why, that our heavenly Father felt obligated to judge not only Cain for his sin by banishing him from the land, for it will not longer give it produce in great abundance, but also to sentence him to become a fugitive to wander from place to place, for grieving the Holy Spirit, as he was initially grieved in paradise. (This is the judgment and sentence that every one will certainly receive, that is, if they sin against our heavenly Father and His Lamb with the atoning-blood shed since Creation day, and grieved the Holy Spirit, then they will be banished from heaven's glory to wander into eternity eternally confused for their sin against His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.)
Immediately, Cain said to our heavenly Father: The judgment and sentence that you have passed against me, certainly it is too heavy for me to bear: now, whenever people may see me then they will want to kill me, and there is nothing I can do to escape from your sentence, that banishes me from the land completely without returning again. However, our heavenly Father said to Cain: I will put a mark on your forehead, so whoever may see you then he will not kill you, because the one that kills you will receive seven times the judgment that I have passed against you for shedding violently your brother's blood to the ground.
(That is why, that Israel not only ceased to be nation for generations, since they failed to remain faithful to the contact that they had made not only with Moses at Jerusalem's holy hill resting over Mount Sinai to escape Egypt, but also at Jerusalem's holy hill within Canaan, so the Hebrews wander from place to place searching the salvation atoning-blood. Surely, following our heavenly Father had passed judgment and sentence against Cain, for the evil that he had committed not only against Abel but also against God and His Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin shed since Creation day, our Lord Jesus Christ, then Abel's blood continued to cry from the ground for his brother's forgiveness and eternal well-being.)
Unquestionably, because Abel's blood continued to cry to our heavenly Father for his brother Cain's forgiveness and eternal well-being, then He began to see how to start a new covenant of life with humankind on earth, since his first intent of a covenant with Adam and Eve failed, because they both ate from the forbidden fruit thus they became banished from paradise. Definitely, it was Abel's blood shed to the ground by his brother Cain that moved our heavenly Father's heart and that of His Son Jesus Christ to see the way to send the Holy Spirit to enter into every man, woman and child's life, so a new bloodline may start on earth with a better covenant of life that will never end.
Meanwhile, our heavenly Father was searching for the way to start a new covenant of life with everyone on earth, but He could not find one, except Noah, but still the entire earth was too wild and violent that He could not sit with anyone at the Lord's Table to eat the bread and wine from His Son Jesus Christ's wounded-hands. That is why, that our heavenly Father said: My Spirit will not continue to struggle with men, for they are flesh and I am Spirit--this is when He decided to destroy the world with the flood, so the wicked may die to be able to sit with reasonable men at the Lord's Table to eat the bread and wine of life.
Meaning that, although that our heavenly Father wanted to sit with men at the Lord's Table to eat the bread and wine from His Son Jesus Christ's hand thus to start a new bloodline with humankind, then He still could not do it, because the old world had to die, for the new one to start with His perfect-covenant of life. (Surely, that is why that our heavenly Father that after He had done everything that it was possible to liberate Israel from Egypt's captivity, then He was ready to kill Israel, because they sinned against His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood by fashioning a Golden Calf to worship it, when He was planning a new world without sin and rebellion.
That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father that all the wicked from the entire world may die in a worldwide flood by opening the fountains of water from heaven above and those from the earth bellow, so no one will survive in his sin, except Noah and his family, because he was righteous in His sight. However, though our heavenly Father destroyed the old world with a worldwide flood that rose above the highest mountains on earth thus causing the death of every living thing that had breath, then Abel's blood still continued to cry to Him from under the ground for the forgiveness of his brother Cain and well-being of his children to come.)
Furthermore, because of Abel's blood crying from the ground that our heavenly Father sent His Son Jesus Christ to become the King of Salem, Melchizedek, so he will be also His personal high priest before every man, woman and child, because He was ready to sit with Abram and his men at the Lord's Table to start a new bloodline with humankind. Our heavenly Father began to have an every day personal relationship with Abram that was so powerful in his life that he became more blessed than all the riches people that were known in those days, for he had accumulated abundant wealth, moreover he had many servants that were always working with and for him.
Without a shred of doubt, Abram was so rich and powerful that his enemies were always trying to steal from his wealth but they failed constantly, because he was well protected by the holy angels, however his nephew Lot fell at the hands of the enemy in a big battle that he lost everything he had, including his family. Unquestionably, once Abram heard that his nephew Lot had been taken away from his land by his enemies, then he took his 318 men from his household and went after them, because he knew that the Angel of the Lord was with him to retake his nephew with all his belongings and his loved ones, as well.
Surely, Abram recognized that he had become victorious over all his enemies and that he had retaken not only his nephew Lot with his loved-ones and all his wealth that he lost, but also that our Father in heaven was ready to given more than he could have lost. At once, as Abram returned from his great victory against the kings of the land that had come together to fight not only against him but also his family, so they may steal everything that he had, then the King of Salem, Melchizedek, came out to receive him with the Lord's Table set up for him and his men.
On this day, Abram gave one-tenth of his belongings to our Lord Jesus Christ, because he was not only our heavenly Father's high priest on earth but also he was widely known as God's Righteousness, and because Abram did this with His Son, then He wanted to start the new covenant of life with him. (Here you may see that if you bless His Son Jesus Christ whether because he is His high priest or His perfect Righteousness in heaven for the angels and on earth with all the families of the nations, then He is going to bless you back with powerful blessings; Abram blessed Jesus Christ, then he got blessed back instantly from heaven above.)
Thus, it pleased very much for our heavenly Father to sit with Abram and his allies at the Lord's Table to eat the bread and wine from His Son Jesus Christ, because the bread is his flesh and the wine is his blood, the new bloodline that needed to be established on earth with a covenant of life that will never end. At the Lord's Table, our heavenly Father ate with Abram and his allies the bread from heaven that is His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh to start a new human body with every man, woman and child, and He also drank from the wine that is His Son's atoning-blood to start the bloodline that will give life to this newly glorified body.
This is how our heavenly Father is finally doing away with the sinful flesh and ill blood of Adam and Eve to introduce the new Adam with his sacred-flesh that will dress every man, woman and child born again from the Holy Spirit thus also to take on the new bloodline giving eternal life to this new glorified human body, for eternity. Certainly, this is exactly what happened the day that our heavenly Father sat down with Abram and his allies to eat the bread and wine from His Son Jesus Christ's wounded hands, because He needed to start a new body with the perfect blood that pleases Him in all truth and justice forever into eternity.
Really, this is the beginning of the new man and woman that He wanted to have in His new angelic Kingdom on earth, because He will eventually create a new earth with glorious skies above, and in heaven's glory for all eternity to come, as the New Jerusalem from heaven above filled with love, life, richness, and everlasting happiness. Therefore, by our heavenly Father eating with Abram and his allies the bread and wine from His Son Jesus Christ's hands at the Lord's Table, then by faith, the new man with the perfect bloodline was ready to be born by the power of the Holy Spirit, through the womb of a woman that it was totally dead, forever.
That is to say, also that just because our heavenly Father had partaken from the bread and wine with Abram and his men at the Lord's Table, then the Holy Spirit had gained the right to enter into Abram's wife Sarah's barren-womb to fill it with the seed of the atoning-blood of life, so Isaac may be miraculously born everlastingly blessed. This was a very important covenant of life that our heavenly Father needed to start with Abram and his wife Sarah's barren-womb by the Holy Spirit's power, because the child that was to be born from her barren-womb, it will be a child free from the seed of sinful man--meaning that, it is here where sin began to die, forever.
For the reason that, once Isaac is born with the seed of the atoning-blood that will eventually be shed at Jerusalem's holy hill that is really our heavenly Father's door and House of God to heaven with the angels and on earth with Israel and the nations, then a new covenant of life could be established with humankind, forever. Given that, the child that will be born from Isaac, it will be a child carrying the new bloodline that pleases all truth and justice not only on earth for the King Messiah to be born timely from David's virgin daughter, but also it has the power to ascend upon Jerusalem's holy hill, the House of God, anytime for prayer and reconciliation.
Meaning that, once Jacob was born, then he became our heavenly Father's firstborn, because the seed of the atoning-blood is in him, so he will not only be always our Father's firstborn but also every one else born from him from the twelve tribes of Israel, because the seed of the atoning-blood running through their veins is the blood-covenant, forever. This is why, that our heavenly Father had to teach to Abram to believe that His firstborn will always be Isaac, because the seed of the atoning-blood is in him to be spread worldwide to all his brothers and sisters from the twelve tribes of Israel and to the nations that believe in the coming of the King Messiah for salvation.
Indeed, our heavenly Father had assured Abram that His covenant is with Isaac forever, and not with Ishmael, although he was born first, but without the seed of the atoning-blood covenant in Ishmael to bring salvation, blessing, peace and lasting happiness not only to Israel but to the families of the nations worldwide, then there is not covenant of life possible. Moreover, for these events to evolve then another four-hundred years had to have passed already, so our heavenly Father will not only descend from heaven above to sit with Abram and his people to eat the bread and wine that will usher the newly glorified-body upon earth for every man, woman and child, but also His bloodline to sustain life everlastingly.
Then, as the time was ready for Jacob to form his family, he began to look around for a wife, and his father Isaac said to him: You will not take for a wife from the women in the land that we are living, but, instead you will go to my relatives to Padan-aram where God will give you your wife. And so, Jacob started on his way to his father Isaac's hometown relatives to pick a wife from one of their daughters, because he did not only want to please his father Isaac and his mother, but also, because he was ready to start his family, so he may serve God as his family had done it through the years.
On his way to Padan-aram, Jacob became very tired, because he had walked too much already, so he needed to rest for the night, then he took a rock from the area to rest his head, and while sleeping then he began to dream, and while dreaming he could see a hill with three trees ascending amazingly with angels into heaven's glory. Thus, Jacob could see clearly angels ascending to heaven and others descending to earth, and the ones ascending where heading directly to our Father in heaven, and others descending with gifts in their hands for those that love God and His Son Jesus Christ, because this is how He blesses every day all those on earth that love Him through His Son.
Once Jacob had observed for a while the activity of the angels going up and down the ladder then he heard a voice coming towards him from the middle of the three trees that one was our heavenly Father and the other the Holy Spirit, as witnesses for what was taking place on that day. (And our heavenly Father along with the Holy Spirit had to have our Lord Jesus Christ in the middle of them, because they are the eternal witness to every word that may come out his mouth to every man, woman and child from all the nations, for it is written: any testimony is valid with two or three witnesses.)
Long-suffering, our Lord Jesus Christ said to Jacob: The land where you are standing, I have given it to you and to your children that will come after you from future generations; for your children will be as numerous as the stars in the sky that no one will ever be able to count them. Jacob heard from our Lord Jesus Christ words of love, kindness, and of abundant grace for him and for his children that were coming from future generation to inherit Canaan, forever, because they were not only the ones that will inherit it but also the ones that will perform the eternal sacrifice of the atoning-blood to kill sin everlastingly at last.
Really, they were the children that were going to ascend Jerusalem's holy hill to nail to the cross the one that was speaking to him, the Son of David, because he will be the one conveying the seed of the atoning-blood to be nailed to the cross of Adam and Eve finally to shed it to the ground with pure abundant salvation-love. For the reason that, this is the atoning-blood that needed to be shed by Abraham's children to the ground filled with our heavenly Father's unfailing-love for His Son and for every man, woman and child to end sin, the angel of death, and the eternal death in hell's torment, so a new earth with splendid skies may be created at last.
Now, for this to take place, then Jacob had to start a covenant of life with our Lord Jesus Christ speaking to him from the middle of the three trees, and this was a covenant that only Jacob could do it before our living-savior as God's firstborn on earth and Jesus Christ as God's firstborn in heaven's glory, for all eternity. Moreover, both where our heavenly Father's firstborns, Jacob was God's firstborn on earth because he had been born from Isaac his father that was born by the Holy Spirit through his mother Sarah's barren-womb, and our Lord Jesus Christ is God's firstborn in heaven because he emerged from Him, and so Israel's birth was sealed with a covenant of God's two-firstborns.
Therefore, the covenant of life that started Jacob with our Lord Jesus Christ speaking to him from the middle of the three crosses ascending into heaven's glory is valid, because both firstborns had the seed of the atoning-blood to destroy sin forever running in their entire bodies, so they may have eternal life along with everyone's else around the world, forever. That is to say, also that the atoning-blood that Jacob saw at Jerusalem's holy hill spilled all over the ground and the cross, it was the same atoning-blood that he had received from his father Isaac as he was born as God's firstborn on earth, so he may establish the covenant of the atoning-blood for eternal life with Jesus Christ, forever.
That is why, that Jacob not only said to Jesus Christ: if you feed and dress me, moreover you make sure that I make it safe into my relative's hometown to meet my wife, then you will be my God forever--and then--while praying, he anointed with oil the rock to seal his vow to serve God and Jesus Christ, forever. And because Jacob sealed a covenant of life with our Lord Jesus Christ that not only assures him and his children: love, kindness, mercy and grace through life on earth, but also certified that wherever they may go, then they will always arrive at their destination safe, including heaven's glory, so his name may be glorified always powerfully through Israel's progressive history.
Because, this is how our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ are always glorified in heaven with the angels and on earth with every man, woman and child, so the people from the nations may know that to serve God and His Son is the best thing that they will ever do in this life and for all eternity to come. Certainly, for this event to take place that sealed the birth of Israel as a nation conveying always with them and through life the seed of the atoning-blood that will not only bless them powerfully, that is, if they remain faithful to Jacob's vow to Jesus Christ at Jerusalem's holy hill, then it had to take another four-hundred years to pass.
And after this previous event, then another four-hundred and thirty years had to take place for our heavenly Father to descend with Jerusalem's holy hill over Mount Sinai with the seed of the atoning-blood spilled with love to the ground of the three crosses of God and of His Son Jesus Christ, for Israel to become liberated finally from Egypt's captivity. For all the miracles and great wonders that our heavenly Father needed to perform to liberate Israel from Egypt, then they had to descend one-after-another from Jerusalem's holy ground that is always saturated with His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood that he had shed with love since Creation day to create the world with all things, including the everlasting-nation of Israel, for eternity.
Furthermore, our heavenly Father hardened Pharaoh's heart so he will always refuse to let Israel go to meet our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ at Jerusalem's holy hill that was resting over Mount Sinai, because He wanted to show Israel that every miracle and great wonder that will ever take place in their lives, it descends from God's holy mountain. For this is our heavenly Father's holy mountaintop that has been saturated forever with His Son's atoning-blood shed with love to the ground of the three crosses of God and of His Chosen Lamb, so He may create the world with all things, and Israel with her great blessed future that it is to come with the nations in heaven's glory.
Now, after the four-hundred and thirty years have been completed then our heavenly Father descended with His Jerusalem's holy hill as His supreme nonstop celestial-sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's three crosses blazing with the fire of the Holy Spirit, so Moses may come up, for God himself had Good News to tell him immediately. Therefore, it was the atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's three crosses blazing with the fire of the nonstop celestial-sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ that called Moses, then Moses' blood running through his heart and veins heard the call of God's blood, so he started to walk towards Mount Sinai, guided always by the Holy Spirit that was with him.
Provided that, the Holy Spirit has always been faithful not only to the covenant that our heavenly Father started with Abram and his people at the Lord's Table to eat the bread and drink the wine from His Son, as his sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood blessing the glorified-body with the new bloodline injected into humankind, but also to Isaac's and Jacob's covenants. Therefore, the Holy Spirit was with Moses as always he has been with every man, woman and child within Israel, because this seed of the atoning-blood is forever with our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit to bring into the world the Great King Messiah with the glorified-body and atoning-blood that will grant us abundant eternal life at last, into eternity.
Then, as Moses ascended to Mount Sinai, he immediately found himself standing over Jerusalem's holy ground where God's atoning-blood had been shed since Creation day to make the contact that Jacob and others had failed until then, so our heavenly Father may be able to speak to Israel: Deliverance from Egypt, forever; certainly, Israel's complete salvation had finally arrived on time. Now, Moses was able to gain this great salvation for Israel, because he had within his heart and veins running the seed of the atoning-blood that had started with Isaac as he was born from his mother Sarah's barren-womb by the power of the Holy Spirit, so the contact that he had made with the atoning-blood shed to the ground was successful.
Certainly, this is something that Jacob had failed to do, because our heavenly Father descended with His Jerusalem's holy hill and His Son along with the Holy Spirit to speak to him trough a dream that resulted in receiving Canaan but also the children to inhabit it, so His Kingdom that He had only dreamed about, it was developing at last. Definitely, that after four-hundred and thirty years of total silence from heaven above just as in the days of Noah and Abram, our heavenly Father descended with Jerusalem's holy hill and His Son Jesus Christ as His nonstop celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood engulfed with the blazing fire of the Holy Spirit to burn sin, removes darkness: For God was visiting Israel.
Now, provided that Moses had made contact with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed with much love to the ground of God's three crosses to become engulfed with the blazing fire of the Holy Spirit, then Israel received power and authority not only to escape Egypt but also to cross the Red sea to stand at Mount Sinai. For Israel needed to see Jerusalem's holy hill with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground with much love of God's three crosses, because they needed to see what Moses had seen, but also they needed to drink from Jerusalem's holy hill the atoning-blood turned into abundant living-water running as a river to quench their thirst and the livestock.
However, at Mount Sinai, while our heavenly Father had invited Moses to ascended to Jerusalem's holy hill, so he may receive the two tablets of the Ten Commandments, then, somehow, after the people waited for Moses to descend for forty days and forty nights, immediately they started to call on other gods, so they may serve them. Aaron heard the outcry of the people, so to please and calm them, then he said: bring the jewelry that we received from the Egyptians as we escaped into the Red sea to cross it, and the people, without waiting any longer, they brought most of the jewelry, and Aaron threw it into the furnace to fashion a Golden Calf.
As the Golden Calf was presented to the people by Aaron, then they began to worship it, and they began to say to everyone around them that these were the gods that had liberated them from Egypt, so the people bowed and worshipped the Golden Calf, causing our heavenly Father's anger to rise, and the Holy Spirit to grieve. (This is the day that Israel disconnected themselves from our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's three crosses engulfed in the fire of the Holy Spirit, and as they disconnected themselves from the nonstop celestial-sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood, immediately He was ready to destroy them forever, causing Israel to live in deep darkness again.)
However, because Moses prayed immediately for Israel to be forgiven for this terrible sin that they had committed against our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ that had shed his atoning-blood to the ground of God's three crosses blazing with the fire of the Holy Spirit, then He postponed His sentence against them until Judgment Day. Given that, our heavenly Father said to Moses: I have heard your prayer for these people; I will not destroy them, as I have said because of their sin, but in Judgment Day, they will give an account to me for this sin, and the soul that sins against me, I will erase his name from my book of life, forever.
And the sin that had angered our heavenly Father the most, it was the sin against His Son Jesus Christ that had shed his atoning-blood with much love to the ground of God's three crosses blazing with the Holy Spirit fire to destroy every darkness from Satan, and that now, they are calling a piece of gold their gods and liberators. (Certainly, this sin with the Golden Calf disconnected Israel from the contact that Moses had made successfully over Jerusalem's holy hill as he stepped on holy ground, and our Lord Jesus Christ's commanded him to remove his sandals to make contact with his atoning-blood, so Israel may receive blessings thus to become liberated from darkness within Egypt that was killing them.)
However, though the Israelis had sinned terribly against our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ by disconnecting themselves from the shed atoning-blood that saves them from the power of sin and darkness within Egypt, our heavenly Father continued to listen to Moses' prayers, so He allowed them to live, because he wanted Israel to possess the Promised Land at last. Moses wanted to enjoy the milk and honey that the land of Canaan produces daily for those that love our heavenly Father and His King Messiah, His Son Jesus Christ, so he continued to pray to Him for Israel to make it through the Sinai's desert into the Promised Land victorious over all enemies, and our Father willfully went along with Moses.
Nonetheless, Israel continued to rebel against our heavenly Father and His Son that was constantly present with them, because as they drank from the rock that our heavenly Father showed to Moses and Israel His Son's atoning-blood turned into living-water, then they had to take Jerusalem's holy hill with the atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's three crosses into Canaan. This was something that Abraham's children had to do, because this was in our heavenly Father's mind as He sealed the covenant of life with Abraham and his allies as they ate the bread and drank from the wine from His Son Jesus Christ's hands at the Supper Table, so His Son's atoning-blood may be shed by them to kill sin forever.
Now, our heavenly Father had Israel wander from place to place for forty years throughout the Sinai's desert, because He always took them near the place where they had sinned against Him and His celestial-sacrifice of His Son's atoning-blood over Jerusalem's holy hill resting on Mount Sinai, so they may die there where they sinned. In other words, just because Israel had fashioned a Golden Calf with the jewelry that they had received from the Egyptian, and by vowing down to it to call it their gods that liberated them from Egypt, then they had mortally stabbed and killed His Son Jesus Christ, and so, this is why that He wanted to kill them too at Sinai.
(Moreover, this is exactly what our heavenly Father did with every one that sinned against His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood by accepting and vowing down to a Golden Calf, as the gods and liberators that had taken them from Egypt; lawfully, our heavenly Father judged and killed them where they sinned at Mount Sinai, and He did this behind Moses' back. In other words, what our heavenly Father said here is that if you attack and kill my nonstop celestial sacrifice of my Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's three crosses blazing with the Holy Spirit's fire over Jerusalem's holy hill, then I am ready to kill you too, that is, if you fail to repent from this evil.)
For the reason that, once the Israelis that had escaped Egypt that made contact with the Golden Calf that they had fashioned, then they disconnected from our heavenly Father's Jerusalem's holy hill atoning-blood shed to the ground of His three crosses engulfed with the Holy Spirit's fire, so He could not allow them to enter disloyally with Jerusalem's holy hill into Canaan. However, our heavenly Father was waiting for their children to be born to take Jerusalem's holy hill with the atoning-blood shed to the ground of His three crosses blazing with the Holy Spirit's fire, so their children's children timely may take His Son to shed his saving-blood to the ground thus finally destroying sin, Satan, the angel of death, and hell, forever.
For this is why that, our heavenly Father had liberated them from Egypt initially to take the Tabernacle of Reunion along with Jerusalem's holy hill with the crosses on fire of the Holy Spirit, over their heads thus to conquer the Promised Land with His holy name, because He needed it to be established over Jerusalem for His new Kingdom to come. Absolutely, this was something that only Abraham's children could do, and never any other nation, because His covenant of life was initially with Abram, then His covenant of the Holy Spirit with Sarah to have Isaac born miraculously from her barren-womb, for Jacob to be His firstborn thus making the last covenant of life for Israel to become an everlasting nation.
For this will finally be His nation bearing the seed of the atoning-blood for every man, woman and child to become born again by the power of the Holy Spirit as they may adhere to His covenant of life thus to become His Gods, priests and Kings for His new angelic Kingdom in heaven's glory. Provided that, our heavenly Father needs to fill the void left behind by angels that felled from grace as they believed in Lucifer that he could exalt his wicked name above God's and that of His Son, and so, there are many voids in heaven waiting to be filled by you and your loved ones, that is, if you become His child.
Moreover, you may become His legitimate child, according to the covenant established with Abram with the bread and wine, a covenant established with Sarah, Abram's wife, by the Holy Spirit as Isaac was born from her barren-womb, and finally the covenant established with Jacob as he dreamed with Jerusalem's holy hill and the atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's three crosses. Nowadays, you may become His legitimate child, if you believe within your heart for justice to confess with your lips for salvation that His Son is your savior, because as you may confess, believing in your heart for justice that His Son is your savior, instantly the atoning-blood shed to the ground of Jerusalem's holy hill will wash you spotless from sin.
Besides, once you are washed clean from sin then, immediately, you will become born from the Holy Spirit to become God's legitimate child to be filled with the Holy Spirit and the wonderful every day gift that will give you power as you may live your life for our heavenly Father on earth and in heaven above, forever into eternity. Meaning that, Adam's ill blood that was palpitating within your heart to run in your veins throughout your body then it will be replaced miraculously by His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood, because, now you have been born into our heavenly Father's covenant of life that He started with Abram, then Isaac and finally Jacob, so you may live a powerful life, always.
Now, for Israel to make contact with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's three crosses, then our heavenly Father had to make sure that the rebellious ones will never make it into Canaan, so His glorious work may not be contaminated by their sins and rebellions, so only the children made it successfully into Canaan. And our heavenly Father though they had sin against Him and His Son Jesus Christ, moreover they manifested themselves always rebellious to His will each day, He continued nonetheless to bless them with His Son Jesus Christ, because His Son was the Angel that He had given to Moses to guide them through the Sinai's desert into Canaan victoriously.
Our heavenly Father physically gave His Son Jesus Christ as His Holy Angel to be with them all the way through the Sinai's desert into the Promised Land and beyond but, He warned them that, if they rebel and sin against him, then he will not forgive their rebellions much less their sins, so He advised them to obey him always. Though the Israelis saw his many miracles and wonders that our Lord Jesus Christ performed for them through the desert to overcome many obstacles and even defeat powerful enemy armies, then they still opted to rebel and sin against him, that he found himself obligated to abandon them many times in desert to the will of their cruel enemies.
However, whenever they repented from their rebellions and sins then our Lord Jesus Christ would hear their prayers to return, so he will continue to be not only their guide but also their high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood of the nonstop celestial-sacrifice of his atoning-blood shed to the ground of Jerusalem's holy hill that was always over their heads. Meaning that, our Lord Jesus Christ would normally return, so with his atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's three crosses over Jerusalem's holy hill will remove sins from Israel for the Holy Spirit to continue to be with them, otherwise it was impossible for our heavenly Father to descend upon them because of the constant presence of sin and rebellion.
In other words, the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ within Israel through the Sinai's desert then it made practicable not only for the Holy Spirit to stay with Israel for all the time that they may need him, but also it made it possible for our heavenly Father to descend upon Israel thus to bless them as His people. That is to say, also that without our Lord Jesus Christ constant presence with his atoning-blood that removes sin thus to make everything holy enough, then it would have been impossible for the Holy Spirit to descend upon Israel to bless them and the same is true with our heavenly Father, and so, Israel needed our Lord Jesus Christ's presence always.
And without Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground of Jerusalem's holy hill, then Israel would have never been able to escape captivity much less have a land of her own, as she does currently, because it is the constant power of our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood bond that makes her holy, and anyone else, too, for God to visit as always. Then, right after Israel had conquered Canaan by entering victorious with the Tabernacle of Reunion and Jerusalem's holy hill with the atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's three crosses blazing with the fire of the Holy Spirit, of the commandments and of the holy name, then, another four-hundred years had to pass for Israel to make physical contact with the atoning-blood.
Certainly, for four-hundred years Israel never heard again from God and His Son as they did through the desert and within Canaan from their ministers, prophets, and the usual manifestation of the Holy Spirit, for the coming of the Son of David was nearing, and no one knew the day and hour, for Israel to make physical contact again with the atoning-blood. However, though Israel did everything very well, because whether they knew or not, they were guided always by the Holy Spirit in everything that they did with our Lord Jesus Christ, because the Scriptures had to be fulfilled, so they took God's Lamb with the atoning-blood to be nailed to the cross, to remove sin, and to start a new life, forever.
Nevertheless, they failed terribly to stay in contact with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed by them to the ground of God's three crosses to blaze with the Holy Spirit's eternal fire that removes all darkness from everyone's life in this life and forever into eternity to come in heaven's glory, and, that is why, of their constant sufferings from then on. That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ once his days on earth finally were coming to an end then he stood at a distance to look at Israel and Jerusalem her capital, God's Chosen City, and he said: If you only had known the day that God visited you, then you would have been blessed as you would have never dreamed.
Moreover, our Lord Jesus Christ cried for a while at the gates of Jerusalem because he had to say that so many times I did all I could to gather you under my arms as a hen will gather her chicks to give them warm and protection, and you did not want to come under my wings, the cross, that is. And lamentable things will continue to take place within Israel until the leadership returns to Jerusalem's holy hill to make the physical contact that Moses did in his days to liberate Israel from Egypt, and later within Canaan and over Jerusalem's holy hill again, where they nailed Jesus Christ as God's Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin on the cross, forever.
Since the day that: Abraham's children took our Lord Jesus Christ to Jerusalem's holy hill to be nailed to the cross thus to shed the atoning-blood to remove sin forever at last for everyone's eternal forgiveness, blessing and lasting salvation, then, it has taken already many four-hundreds of years over and over again until now. Now, the question is constant with our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and even angels with save people in heaven's glory: How many more four-hundreds of years have to elapse endlessly for Israel to make physical contact with the atoning-blood, so our heavenly Father's will may be done on earth as it in heaven these days.
Nowadays, we hope that Israel will soon consider that they have to make that much needed (and very essential) physical contact with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed over Jerusalem's holy hill to remove Israel's national sin, for the Holy Spirit to descend and the same with our heavenly Father for blessing to be possible just as it was in times past. Now, if Israel makes this very important move that they will eventually find themselves that they have to do it urgently, then they will be not only honoring every covenant of life that our heavenly Father stared with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but also heaven's gates will be opened for blessings to rain upon the nations as never before.
The entire world will know blessing, because Adam and Eve's sinful blood will no longer be running through the heart and veins of every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, but only our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood with every blessing possible to inundate us with salvation love everlastingly, gained successfully over Jerusalem's holy hill mighty cross. Timely, Adam and Eve will sit with the children in front of our heavenly Father and His Son serving the bread that is his sacred-flesh and the cup of wine that is his atoning-blood, so we will never hunger much less thirst again, because we will be filled with the glorified Holy Spirit of the commandments and of the holy name, forever.
We will be a very happy family united in heaven's glory, because of our heavenly Father's persistent-love towards His Son's atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's three crosses blazing with the Holy Spirit's fire over Jerusalem's holy hill is finally consummated, so we may eat bread and wine together at the Lord's Table only to know love, blessing, richness, and lasting-happiness. Amen!
Culture and peace for every one today and always!
Cordially yours,
The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!
JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6
Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9
Put your faith to work, and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10
Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13
What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?
That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13
Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.
If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY
Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?
YES _____? or, NO ______?
Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?
Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST every day. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.
Tell others about JESUS.
Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest, too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN's glories as you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you.
http://youtu.be/hOVdjxtnsH8 d=1