Post by choroPost by Ali AskerPost by choroPost by ÃDoügÃTPost by Ali AskerAccording the OECD survey results people in Turkey found to be most
mentally unstabe ill people in the world. Turkey became last out of
the 20 countries.
Turkey also came in last out of 20 countries unemoyment between the
university graduates, financial equality, death babies, happiness,
people who are backward in the schools, net income rate etc,..
That's because muslimes are uneducated fuqtards who would
much rather shag a camel, goat or little girl. A new crusade is
necessary, one which involves the total eradication of pislam
from Europe.
I guess you want to send back all the Kurdish immigrants in Europe
because they are all muslims!
Look who is talking? Your fucken turkish race rulled by two hard-line
Islamists one is the PM and the other is the president. Remember, you
turklish piece of shit Kurds in Kurdistan did not vote for your
backward islamist politicians after even all the threats by the
islamist turkish army.
Yes they did vote for the AKP, I mean the Kurds voted for the AKP in the
general elections
I told you fucken turk asian monkey piece of shit, Kurds had no choice
while the islamic turkish army guns pointing at their heads. If your
turk government have little bit decency then they should pulle their
islamic army away from the occupied Kurdish land and conduct free
Post by choroyou 'piece of shit'. Why would you call everybody 'a
piece of shit' if you weren't one yourself?
Even the monkey have a brain you *tURk* mother fuckerrr, dirty turkish
Post by choroAnd the Turkish President and PM are NOT hardline Islamists,
So, I wonder who was send in to turkish prison for revolving against
the lacist state to organise and bring Sharia law to Turkey (remember
when your islamist PM's jail term)
Your fucken Islamist Turkish president worked in Islamic Bank in Dubai
for years and holds Islamic school's dipl=ma which means he is imam
who work for the Allah to bring islamic Sharia to the country.
Post by choroyou 'piece
of shit'. They are extremely moderate and that's why the American
government wants to use Turkey as an example for the Islamic world to
follow. You forget that it was to Turkey, the world's 17th largest
economy and now a big player in the ME.
Being the 17th largest ecnomy does not make you less religious. Saudi
Arabia has the world 5th largest economy and I dn't have to tell you
how religious they are.
Post by choroLike it or not, that President
Obama paid his first state visit.
Remember, during the visit Obama hailed the Kurdish Freedom Fighters
(PKK) and told the reporters how much he admires the Freedom struggle
of the Kurds.
Post by choroFacts are facts and YOU, sir, are fucked!!!
Post by choro--
Post by Ali AskerPost by choroAnd I guess you mean that Ali Asker is an
"uneducated fuqtard".
You fucken racist piece of turkish asian monkey called a turk,
Post by choroI wonder what YOUR roots are? Have you had your DNA analysis done? I
hear 1 in 200 people worldwide have got Gengis Khan's genes. You could
very well be one of those in which case we should send you back to
You are the one who will be send back to Mongolia fucken *tURk* piece
of asian monkeyyy