Disapproval of Bush breaks record: 69% of the Americans hate Bush
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2008-04-23 15:27:46 UTC
Disapproval of Bush breaks record

By Susan Page, USA TODAY

WASHINGTON - President Bush has set a record he'd presumably
prefer to avoid: the highest disapproval rating of any president in the
70-year history of the Gallup Poll.

In a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll taken Friday through Sunday,
28% of Americans approve of the job Bush is doing;
69% disapprove. The approval rating matches the low point
of his presidency, and the disapproval sets a new high for
any president since Franklin Roosevelt.

The previous record of 67% was reached by Harry Truman
in January 1952, when the United States was enmeshed in
the Korean War.

Bush's rating has worsened amid "collapsing optimism about the economy,"
says Charles Franklin, a political scientist at the University of Wisconsin-
Madison who studies presidential approval. Record gas prices and
a wave of home foreclosures have fueled voter angst.

Bush also holds the record for the other extreme: the highest
approval rating of any president in Gallup's history. In September 2001,
in the days after the 9/11 attacks, Bush's approval spiked to 90%.
In another record, the percentage of Americans who say the
invasion of Iraq was a mistake reached a new high, 63%,
in the latest poll.

Assessments of Bush's presidency are harsh. By 69%-27%,
those polled say Bush's tenure in general has been a failure,
not a success.

Low approval ratings make it more difficult for presidents to maneuver,
limiting their ability to get legislation passed or boost candidates in
congressional elections.

"The president understands war and the slowdown in the economy
weigh down public opinion, but the situation in Iraq is improving and
the economy is about to get a big boost from the stimulus package,"
said White House spokesman Scott Stanzel.

Bush has had dismal ratings through most of his second term.
His approval rating hasn't reached as high as 50% since May 2005.
He's been steadily below 40% since September 2006.

Views of Bush divide sharply along party lines. Among Republicans,
66% approve and 32% disapprove. Disapproval is nearly universal
- 91% - among Democrats. Of independents, 23% approve,
72% disapprove of the job he's doing.

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Panta Rhei
2008-04-23 17:54:39 UTC
BilgeKhan, the lobotomized Turk, also formerly known on the Usenet as
notoriously lying and falsifying "Baba Bey the Turk", a criminal mass
canceller of thousands of posts and rabid Jew, Greek, Kurd and Armenian
hater, writes:

<snip this hilarious Turkish clown's usual garbage>

LOL! This sick, despised, neurotic laughing stock and troll of the Usenet,
"BilgeKhan", is actually posting about the "disapproval" of other folks!
What a laugh!

Ever thought about it how many of the smarter folks on the Usenet, including
the majority of Turks in Turkish newsgroups, explicitly disapprove of you
sick, abnormal, racist, hate-mongering Turkish Nazi swine? LMAO!

F'up to soc.culture.turkish where all your sick garbage belongs.

Excerpts from the above racist Turkish Nazi swine's abnormal postings:

Message-ID: <flm7er$tji$***@aioe.org>
Jews are a big threat to the American nation! America does not need any
Message-ID: <fpbqei$aun$***@aioe.org>
Muslims are worser than wild animals!
I prefer a wild animal over any Muslim!
Islam belongs to hell!
Message-ID: <fkj62u$e9n$***@aioe.org>
ATTENTION! Jewish MOSSAD plans terror attack at Christmas!
Watch out everywhere in the world!
The jewish terror organisation MOSSAD seems to plan a terror attack
at Christmas and/or NewYear!
Message-ID: <fk7pk9$te7$***@aioe.org>
That's the nature of the Jew, a typical backstabber...
Message-ID: <fk7lfc$ior$***@aioe.org>
Watch out and report all suspect activities of the Jews
and their collaborators to the FBI here: https://tips.fbi.gov/
Message-ID: <figtc2$qo1$***@aioe.org>
Mission Impossible: Jews and Peace

Q: Why are the Jews afraid of Annapolis?

A: Because it would bring peace to Middle East...
Message-ID: <fiffjf$gke$***@aioe.org>
Israel is the HQ of international crime

Israel - A Home For The Criminal Jews Of The World

Israel was created for saving and potecting criminal Jews of the world.
Message-ID: <fk1ear$epa$***@aioe.org>
Jewish vampires suck Michael Jackson, the King of Pop
Message-ID: <fia4f1$56h$***@aioe.org>
The destruction of America by the Jews

The whole world is witnessing the destruction
of another great country, USA, by its highly organized jewish subjects...

God bless America
Message-ID: <fiagk2$b23$***@aioe.org>
Here's the Final Solution of the 'Jewish Question'

How to solve the Jewish Question

The best and humane solution would be to settle
all Jews of the world in the state of Nebraska, USA.
They must live only within the borders of Nebraska.
This solution is the best solution for the world;
the Middle East would have peace, and also everywhere
else on Earth would be justice and freedom...
Message-ID: <fij17d$jne$***@aioe.org>

America is on the brink of a new civil war.
American rulers are incompetent warmongering fascist liars.
America has become a fascist police state.
America has a record debt.
The Americans are resignated, desillusioned, broken.
This all is just a part of 'The Plan'.
Jews were the planners of this catastrophe for America.
Today the jewish bankers are the owners of America's debts.
In other words: America is under total control by the world Jewry.
The plan of the world jewry is to dominate and control desired parts of the
in other words to enslave other nations; in the end the whole world.

The jewish trick is as follows:

1) secretly create unrest, chaos, cathastrophes, terror attacks, wars

2) offer the victim your "service" (ie. lending money) for a solution of
the problem

3) continue secretly creating unrest, chaos, cathastrophes, terror attacks,

4) lend the victim the money he needs to be able to end this chaos
(of course with some certain secret conditions, and high interests of

Now the future of this victim country is in the hands of the jews...

Ask how they did to England in the past to force them
to give Palestine for the creation of the jewish state Israel.
England is still under their total control.
Now is America their victim...
Their goal is of course making huge profits and control of the world,
finally a jewish world domination by enslaving the goyim (ie. the non-jews)
Jewish money rules the world...
